Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I hope you’re typing that post as you run towards the creche.

It’s possible.

Get him out now you psycho

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It works both ways though, the economy is what pays for public health. And what is the LIDTF long time plan for paying for all this, just keep borrowing forever, on top of existing 1/4 trillion debt?

This is why Fauci was recommending everyone wear 2 masks.


Business doesn’t understand public health. Everything else is noise. Business is what has continually pushed for corner cutting which makes public health worse. Business cannot function without confidence and confidence cannot flourish without public health. Business does not understand this.

One of the biggest lies ever perpetrated into public discourse is that there is no such thing as a magic money tree. There bloody well is. It’s called central banking.

If at the end of all this, 2008 thinking reigns, and austerity is brought back, that will be the end of democracy. We will enter into an era of dictatorship and a new age of stupidity that is already an existential threat.

Post World War II, austerity did not reign. Welfare states did. If austerity had reigned after World War II, democracy would have ended.

Go back to what you said at the start of the pandemic. They better start working out the answer to this question if they want to avoid revolutions.

Update: My wfh life partner has collected him, he’s completely fine. I’m in the office today but will use these developments to skip afternoon meetings with colleagues from overseas who are back in Ireland for the first time in nearly 2 years. I’ve already got the flu vaccine this morning and I’ll arrive home at lunchtime just as the little lad is settling down for a 2/2.5 hour nap. Ultra efficient. In fact, another @Brimmer_Bradley esque example of me snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. Huzzah!


A lot of bidness observations there which I’m not sure you’re qualified to make. I’ll defer judgement on this post to the forum bidnessmen spokesperson, @Bandage.

Fiddling on the decks.

Closing at 11.30 will do nothing tbf. No different to fully opened now. Covid won’t wait till 11.30 to infect or the presence of the passports

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Absolute joke. Destroying people’s mental health.

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The fun police are back out in force again.

Update x2: Not winning anymore. Text from crèche to advise that facility is closing until next Monday due to sheer volume of staff and kids displaying Covid symptoms.


A week off for the creche staff, I’m sure you’ll be paying for it

They will see it as reducing the amount of time people spend in the at risk setting. Will first her limit social contacts. Broadly it will probably have an impact.

The same as the reducing from 50% to 30% capacity or whatever reduction they’re recommending will have some impact.

Creche’s love sending kids home. It makes perfect sense for them to do so. Rascal had regular visits to hospital, 6 or 7 in his first few months in creche. They called me in to collect him a mere half day after he returned from one particular two week sabbatical. My patience was wearing thin and I may have mentioned that the creche was some hotspot for rapid illness onset.

The owner rang me and asked to meet me. I had never met her before and thought she wanted to reassure me that they were doing their best etc. I was taken aback as she started giving me guff. I brought Rascal out with me there and then.

We were blessed to get him into another creche nearby. More expensive but there were no more hospital visits and rarely any requests to bring him home.


Seems the odd chap is taking glee out of unvaccinated people dying.

Disturbed individual.

The risk is basically the same. Based on an airborne disease the risk of exposure will be the same whether you are there for 15 mins or 5 hours. Its all a game to be seen to do something, make it so much of an inconvenience that people won’t go out to these settings rather than making a decision to close everything again or fully open which will draw criticism either way

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