Man City


They were paid for by His Royal Higness. The Sheiks brother. Who owns the companies providing sponsorship. All money came through the accounts of the companies providing sponsorship.

The only evidence UEFA have is a leaked email from Der Spiegel. They have banned City for a period of time that was already investigated and for which City had complied. They’ve gone back on their own processes and changed the parameters.

Not only will the ban be overturned, City will claim substantial damages from UEFA after the CAS appeal

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Nope you are wrong learn some facts instead spouting crap you read on twitter. 57 million came directly from the sheikh. They were caught out and refused to tell the truth. If city owned up they’d have got one year and got it suspended after an appeal. I’m informed they’ll get one year after the appeal now. They’ve only themselves to blame.

Man City are the Icarus of the football world

The king of Spain bailed those royalist bastards, Madrid, out loads of times… By all means look to clamp down on this, but the screaming Mary’s Would be no where to be seen if it was Barça or Madrid…or even Utd. Disgusting Hypocrisy here.

I’m not on twitter. Its linked in an article above.

UEFA have used the Der Spiegel email entirely to back this “process” and they’ve misinterpreted his royal higness as Mansour when in fact it’s his brother. All money is accountable and open. City have provided UEFA with all of it and they’ve still chanced their arm.

This isn’t about winning for UEFA. They’ll know they’ll lose at CAS. This is about damaging the reputation of the owners. Same as PSG. CAS fucked the PSG case out after about 10 minutes.

UEFA is a corrupt, racist organisation.

I hope City take them to the cleaners.

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Your article is made up spoof. Deal in facts.

There’s absolutely no comparison between the city and psg cases. It’s a completely irrelevant comparison.

The article I posted contains all publicly released information from both sides. There is no opinion in it. Just facts and information.

The link between PSG and City is where the owners are from. They’ve been aggressively targeted by UEFA.

You could throw Milan into that as well with the Chinese owners.

Hypocrites here don’t mind when the super clubs break the rules. But when little old City or Liverpool do it they scream blue murder.

Incorrect again. You claimed it came from the German papers leaks. It didn’t. You are wrong again. It was in a 2015 us aviation industry document that the Abu Dhabi government and not the etihad airlines that was paying the money.

You must have access to private documents pertaining to the case. Forward these to CAS at your earliest convenience.

Also, City and UEFA had signed a settlement agreement relating to the years from 2014-2016 in which UEFA agreed City were compliant.

UEFA reopened the case on the account of the leaked emails.

FFP is to protect the clubs from themselves. You have to live within your own means. City didn’t get fined for a breach of ffp they got fined for lying about where they got the money from. They claimed the money was eithad but it was directly from their owner.

Why are united allowed to spend billions and they are leveraged with the biggest debt in World football?

FFP is designed to protect the old guard. It’s a closed market, and it will ultimately damage football.

Because the revenue of the club is huge but that’s obviously changing. United’s debt is around 400 million pounds which in the grand scheme of things is nothing. Ffp is flawed but the rules are the rules.

They claimed and can prove the money came from Etihad. The sheiks brother had to pump money into Etihad for the sponsorship but it came through Etihad.

UEFA are trying to damage the owners in whatever way possible. They know they’ll lose this. It’s not about that.

I hope City take them to the fucking cleaners

There’s no chance of that happening. City at best will get the ban reduced to one year.

The rules are different depending on the club. City are being investigated for a period in which they’ve already signed a settlement agreement. UEFA are breaching their own procedures to target the owners

CAS will throw it out and City will bring UEFA to the high courts.

The owners admitted to pumping their own money into city despite initially claiming it came from the eithad sponsorship.

They did no such thing. Again, if you have proof, provide it to the CAS.

City have provided UEFA with accounts pertaining to every investigation and the settlement agreement was signed by both parties to say City are compliant.