Manchester United 2022/23 - The Reign of ETH

Leaving aside recency/nostalgia biases and club rivalries etc which Ronaldo was the better player at their best and which had the better career in terms of stats, trophies etc?

Cr7 gor more goals, won more trophies, champions leagues, played longer, more ballon doā€™rs. But heā€™ll never be as loved as Ronaldo by lads our age, cos heā€™s a cock.
Younger folk think cr7 is a god.


Hard to disagree with that. We didnā€™t see enough of R9 though would be my main issue. Iā€™d say I saw him play about ten times in my life. We didnā€™t have sky in the 90s and fuck all of his games were on terrestrial TV plus he was injured an awful lot.

Cr7 made himself into the player he is today. He is a credit to himself how he got the utmost out of his talents.

Il Phenom was simply that, a phenomenon.

There is no debate.

R9 was a level above Ronaldo at his peak, but his peak was shorter, so in terms of longevity R7 wins I suppose. I would argue R9ā€™s peak was even before he got to Madrid, he did well at Madrid but he already wasnā€™t the player he was. The fact that he changed his game and was still able to bang in goals shows what a player he was, he just lost a yard, then another one, then he became a yard. 98 WC Ronaldo before the final. That was :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Ronaldinho might have been better than both, but his window of magnificence was very short, first few seasons at Barca is it really. But he was insane in that time, he just didnā€™t give a fuck.

I suppose that is what puts C7 in the all time bracket, he wants it so much. Messi the same, supreme proā€™s off the field in terms of looking after themselves. Absolutely hate to lose

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This performance, with his knee shot to shit and a shadow of the player he once was or could have been, but he was still phenomenal. His nickname was well earned.


Two egomaniacs in the same era pushing one another. Weā€™ll never again see the likes of two players going 50 odd goals a season ten years in a row.

At his peak, strength, pace, balance, dribbling, finishing an absolutely devastating assassin


Thats it in a nutshell.

Ball at his feet facing goal, he was unstoppable.

Ronaldo was better, Cristiano Ronaldo was greater.


CR7 is the greatest all round footballer of all time and its not even close.

He had that ā€˜warriorā€™ spirit.

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If heā€™d stayed clear of injury, he could easily have been the best ever.

In term of talent, heā€™d be a different level to Cristiano Ronaldo. Up there with Messi and Maradona.

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I think the debate between the Ronaldoā€™s and where you come down on it, tells a lot about your soul.


Swap ā€˜serial winnerā€™, ā€˜best goalscorerā€™, or ā€˜strongest mentalityā€™ for footballer and youā€™d have a strong case.

Ronaldo took the ball round the keeper for nearly 100 of his goals. You never see lads doing that now

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Probably the same chumps that prefer the brute force of Nadal to the grace of Federer

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They all new it was coming and could do nothing about it.

Did teams stop playing offside or something, Michael Owen was lethal for that as well

Proper strikers not only scored a lot, they made keepers look like mugs in the process.

Iā€™m not sure whether the below has an effect on their overall standing but;

Brazilian Ronaldo was a team player and not a cunt who played with a smile on his face. CR7 is a selfish preening cunt who would rather score a hat trick in a loss than see his team mate do it in a win.


You seem to struggle with the concept of TFK mate