Manchester United 2022/23 - The Reign of ETH

Ah here


I always found this a strange summation of CR7. If that were to be the case he would certainly not have won what he did. And his assists record dont really back it up either.

Iā€™d accept greatest finisher. He learnt to whack a ball with incredible accuracy off either foot and it wasnā€™t to pass the ball. And he made himself probably the greatest header of a ball ever. And his movement in and around the box for poaching became second to none. Being a cunt added to his success. But it still makes him a cunt.

Ronaldo never changed the game like ronaldo or messi. Imagine the damage they would have done If opposition played with a high line and didnā€™t develop their entire game plan around trying to stop them.

In many ways messi and Christiano Ronaldo were too good and it almost hindered their teams in bigger games.

Itā€™s just a hipster thing/a Miguel type callout and take, seeking likes, that the ā€˜realā€™ Ronaldo is better than CR7. Any objective look at it would conclude itā€™s an absurd take.

all this talk about x is better than y is a load of aul bullshit in the main. They had different career trajectories with injuries etc to Brazilian Ronaldo.

The way I look at it is, if I was a profressional footballer in midfield with a bonus for a win and an assists bonus. Iā€™d be wanting CR7 all day up top. He wins matches. You just know if you give him a chance heā€™ll take it, the bigger the occassion the better. Heā€™ll win you matches and heā€™ll win you trophies

Itā€™s all about the coin for you. Itā€™s fascinating to watch.

itā€™s a business kid.

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Of course heā€™s better. But I preferred R9

Messi is better than CR7 too

I think this needs to be hedged in the past tense. Ronaldo wouldnā€™t score in a whorehouse, based on his last few games.

I think heā€™ll bag a load at the World Cup.

Heā€™s as auld as Fr. Romeo Sensini.



Leaving longevity aside and just looking at what the player possessed in their locker C9 is probably the greatest of all time and far superior to C7ā€¦ Theyā€™re not even close. Iā€™d have Ronaldinho ahead of C7 also. Cr7 has grafted extremely hard to become the great he is but these lads had something heā€™ll never have/had.

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CR7 can look like a complete donkey at times. Iā€™d doubt thereā€™s too many clips of R9 or Ronaldinho looking like one.



post reported

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Slating the GOAT? :open_mouth:

He hardly slags off Diego?

Cronaldo was a fairly limited all round footballer at his peak. He was just a penalty box player

Correct. Peddles is only wumming.