Manchester United 2022/23 - The Reign of ETH

The same happened to Vidic. And he was fucking magnificent.

Even just for the PR nightmare if nothing else they’d hardly consider it

Never shafted the great man. Still revered.

They are actively considering it mate. Still not sure whether to try for the misunderstanding/counselling/redemption/ PR route.
They’re keen to keep him. They perceive him to be worth 8 figures, but they’re balancing that against the blowback.

The court of public opinion will decide. Do away with the courts to fuck.

We need a good lynching.


Who are you planning to Lynch?

Hopefully the chap who beat his missus

They have a history of racism

Looks like Achraf Hakimi is a summer target for Manchester United.

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No lynching here.

This is surely a piss take

The rehabilitation continues. This will be fascinating to watch. Dodgy and the boys will be singing his name before the end of the season.

Is Dodgy back supporting Yanited? Not a peep out of him there for a few years.


Ah he is yeah, he slithered back in there not a bother on him. You’ll see him giving it big licks today you scouse Cunt.

Wondering what ETH will have up his sleeve for today.

Different feeling being nervous about going in as favourites to bring netvous about a potential trimming. Expecting Liverpool to raise their recent performance levels considerably. If they don’t the Klopp is properly fucked.

I reckon a 2-2 draw.


Varane a doubt, really need him.

Be interesting to see if Lindelof starts ahead of slabhead if that’s the case.

@dodgy_keeper appears to be fully on board again supporting Man U now that they’re back winning. He took a few years off during the lean years. It’s probably helped the comeback as well that those dastardly scousers are completely down in the dumps. Less chance of any meanness or jeering from the scousers.