Manchester United 2022/23 - The Reign of ETH

Juhy junior is having a tough 24 hours.
mrs j collected him from me after the match yesterday and there was a bunch of liverpool kids waiting for him with flags eetc. They surrounded the car and started banging on rhe windows shouting.
He knew he was gonna get it all day in school today too. Mrs J met a fella on the train this morning who said his kid couldnt wait to get to school to abuse our lad! Hes not even in his class.


Are you sure this wasnā€™t a nightmare about the incident where Joan Burton got surrounded in her car?

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No mate. Liverpool fans have form surrounding and attacking vehicles. Ambulances buses cars, doesnt matter. Just surprised they got into it so young.

If weā€™re being seriousā€¦

If utd scored first yesterday i think they win that game 2/3-0. For the 15 or so minutes they went at Liverpool they had them in bother.

ETH has clearly brought them on and up to yesterday they looked like a solid tough group. I think heā€™ll have gotten a great insight into one or two players yesterday - i know heā€™s being moved around a bit but Iā€™d be fucking Fernandez off in the summer. On his day he can have great moments but his attitude absolutely stinks and thatā€™s gonna filter down to young players.

But Iā€™d question utds mindset yesterdayā€¦ Moving Rashford central away from Trent? Fernandez on the left? Killing the game at every opportunity when Liverpool showed how extremely vulnerable they are in that first half. In one way he picked a team to say we can come to Anfield and go toe to toe with Liverpoolā€¦ But then he has them killing the game, going down injured, fucking around with goal kicks and moves his best outlet into an area where heā€™ll do least damage. That lanky Dutch fella wout is woeful.

While senior players downing tools will give him food for thought i think he should be looking at how he approached the game first. Like i initially said, Liverpool were there to be beat, the same failings were on display first half but i dont think ETH had them set up right at allā€¦ The standing off and killing the game actually helped Liverpool get their composure back.

Casemiro disappearing and the butcher Martinez turning vegan mid game didnā€™t help.


Can you sign him up here so i can abuse him too pal.



Ah, the poor lad.

I used to get a right ribbing from my mates growing up (all United fans). On a WhatsApper with four of them. Was tempted to fire in a grenade last night, but had a quick look at league table, and retreated back to TFK.

As I pointed out to a friend Saturday when he was talking up yesterdays match, Liverpoolā€™s really big games are against City, Chelsea, Leicester, the teams that have won the League in recent years.



The predictable climb down ā€œ serious ā€œ post after being called out.


That is fucking despicable

Fernandez the fraud.

Not officer class @myboyblue

He couldnā€™t even kick him over :joy:

Captain bicycle seat sniffer feeling left out so he chimes in with nothingā€¦you picked up a like from a couple of foreskins tho :+1:.

Iā€™d love to see where i was called out mind - there isnā€™t a single gee bag up to it on here.

This type of stuff is hilarious.

Grown ā€œmenā€ making up nicknames for soccer players they are not fond of, it is very peculiar.

For a guy thatā€™s not put out by soccer ball youre very put out by it all.

FYI - Harry is widely regarded as a bicycle seat sniffer by most of the forum. I wasnā€™t referring to any soccer ball player.

And the term ā€˜grown menā€™ is a contradiction sportā€¦ You saying Harry is an ungrown man?

Martinez is an ungrown man :rofl:

Grow up you gowl