Manchester United 2022/23 - The Reign of ETH

That’s complete rubbish.

How are those figures reconciled to the most important benchmark of all, the all important net spend table?

You’re taking the piss obviously. Or thick as mince. Income matters but not outgoings? (Unless it’s the netspend trophy obviously). So for the hypothetical hundred million you picked out of your arse you ignored the over 2 billion in debt, interest, repayments, dividends etc that had to come out of the club.
Send Eddie Hobbs on your cv there pal, he’s looking for a chap like you.

You’re dribbling all over your Eric Cantona pyjamas this morning. I posited that the Glazers turned the club into a financial juggernaut and that the net benefit of this model is superior to a hypothetical counterfactual of a mom and pop ownership not taking money out of the club, but failing to secure tractor partners, like Liverpool in the 90s. The fact that they can outspend Chelsea and City is testament to the commercial acumen of Woodward.

More rubbish. You’ve no idea what your talking about.

Would you please stop tagging me in your incorrect, uninformed, inane, and boring bullshit.

@Rocko can I stop someone tagging me?

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Man united were already one of the most successful clubs on the planet when the glazers took over. When you see the way the tv deals exploded and the on field success continued the glazers really haven’t done that impressive a job at all. The spunked so much money on terrible signings and crazy contracts. The vast majority of their sponsorship deals hinge on field success so the fact they can’t run the football side of things really blows apart the argument they are doing well.

Even the share price has totally stagnated as well when the value of most premier league clubs has gone through the roof.

Having skim read about half of that thread it seems pretty damning for the Glazers.

Linked with another Brazilian today. I’d say no simply because if telles and Fred were making the Brazilian squad they can’t be at much.

Surely it was the previous regime headed up by Martin Edwards which did that through taking full advantage of the transition to the Premier League and the increasing globalisation and commercialisation of the game?

In saying that they could not have done so without Alex Ferguson.

A key part of “commercial acumen” is success on the pitch. That’s where everything flows from.

The Glazers were lucky when they “bought” Manchester United with money they didn’t have, that Ferguson was there. They were wise enough to leave well alone, but when he left, their cluelessness was well and truly exposed.


Great post.

Premier league teams are only English in name only, they’re franchises now and utd are only catching up with the other big teams in that regard, there’s hardly an Englishman behind the scenes at Arsenal,Chelsea, Man City or Liverpool these days . Prob ambassadors only yet utd still have the like of Mike Phelen, Steve mclaren and Darren fletcher.
That’s all very noble but the game has moved on

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And don’t forget in general the epl completed exploded around the globe.

The share price of man united is down a couple of dollars since it was first floated.

The glazers/Woodward weren’t half as smart as people make out.

Old Trafford is in a bad state - at least some of the £1bn should have gone there. Also because decisions on player recruitment are made for financial rather than footballing reasons, the spend is very skewed e.g. keeping Phil Jones, Pogba, Lingard etc were financial rather than footballing decisions. Bad decisions accumulated, not backing managers, recruitment decisions made by Woodward…they could spend £10bn and win nothing.

They are not smart at all. They made short term decisions that have all backfired and come home to roost. They bought United with a view to selling United’s TV rights separately but couldn’t get out of the collective bargaining arrangement. The Super League blew up on them…their business model is fucked.

At Ronaldo’s instigation, no doubt. The United players must be single handedly keeping the waxing and tanning salons of Manchester going.

They did in the hole. They rode the crest of a football financial tsumani. Nothing to do with the Glazers.

Other than getting excellent pot noodle partners in Singapore.

One thing I find a bit puzzling is the constant drone that “Old Trafford is in a terrible state”.

Now, I’ve only been inside it once, in 2008, so am probably not best placed to argue on this, but in what way exactly is it in a terrible state?

And against what criteria is it being judged?

The free wifi is very spotty on a match day i believe

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