Manchester United 21/22

He didn’t have to contend with Man City for too long.

You’re probably a Paddy new to our English leagues in the Sky Sports Super Sunday era. Traditional old clubs like Everton, Spurs and Aston Villa and even Liverpool until the remarkable Coach Klopp took over not at the races in the modern game.

Unless you’re state owned by a brutal dictatorship like Citeh or Chelsea or the unique financial model that is Man U, not at the races.


Isn’t spurs owner worth a couple of a billion? What happened there?

Spurs owned by a local Jewish Londoner, Joe Lewis. One of the few EPL clubs still holding out and not owned by Johnny Foreigner.

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You’ve a serious with foreign people.

He’s worth 4.3 billion. Spurs aren’t stuck for a few pound.

If the likes of yourself and @EstebanSexface are comfortable with English Premier Leagues now state owned by murderous and barbaric regimes like Russia, Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi, that’s your prerogative and on your conscience. It doesn’t sit well with me though.

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Joe Lewis made his fortune betting against and crashing the pound sterling, he then moved to Barbados where he is a tax exile from Britain.

I never said that at all. Really bizarre post. You just seem to have a serious issue with foreigners.

Didn’t the chap that bankrolls the Limerick hurling team earn his fortune betting on the currency markets and is now tax exiled outside of the Eire jurisdiction. Odd that we don’t hear a Limerick super fan like yourself carping about that.


Dan plucks an argument from the sky and then goes off on an imperialist narrative.

It’s funny for him to have and issue with barbaric and murderous regimes from outside of England, the most murderous and barbaric regime in history


I don’t have a problem with how other men make their money. Never have, never will.

You seem to, if they aren’t from Bwoken Bwitain though

Savage value there

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This was a fantastic Press Conference.

Spurs with their 2 leagues hardly belong in the same sentence as the others

the fact this is tolerated on here says a lot about the type of cap doffer that posts here.

You’re a racist scum bag

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Spurs were the first English club to win a European trophy, the first club to win the double in the 20th century and the record 8 time winners of the FA Cup when it ceased to be a serious competition at the advent of the Sky Sports Super Sunday era in 1992.

A Paddy child of the EPL era like yourself wouldn’t know much about the traditions and history of our traditional old English clubs and competitions.

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racist, imperialist pig

Evidently not if out of all the 92 teams in the English Football Leagues, you could have chosen to support, you chose to support the Abu Dhabi state funded Manchester City.

Where do you stand on stoning people to death and chopping arms off?

Calm down Limey. No need to get your knickers in a twist because your beloved Spurs couldn’t get their house in order with the TV money that came in with Sky Sports.

you support the British empire, where do you stand on murder, holocaust and wiping out indigenous peoples?

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