Manchester United 21/22

The club is built on it but you can’t bring it up or you’ll be accused of point scoring.

Dragging Naby lad’s good name through the mud.

Classy again.

I was merely pointing out that this shit happens everywhere and its sad to see that you see trying to isolate it to one club.

That’s part of the issue

I think the club sent a lad on loan in fairness to them, away from the GMP.

The #metoo phenomenon - which has been so roundly ridiculed by a certain type of reactionary man - largely created the climate which gave Harriet Robson the courage to make this audio and photographs public.

So called “cancel culture”, “trial by media” and social media in general are ridiculed by a lot of men (usually via social media) but they really can offer a powerful avenue for women to highlight abuse perpetrated against them.

We all know if he hit anyone he’d be out for 6 months injured.



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If you look at some of the club captains in recent times - Cantona assaulting paying spectators, Keane assaulting Haaland in a premeditated fashion, Wazza engaging in adultery and exploitation of the elderly, Giggseh, Slabhead battering coppers, etc you wonder about the leadership.


The number 1 rule is to be good at football.
Manyoo will look after everything else.

That’s one strange statement by the father. Seems he’d rather a cover up.

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Seems more annoyed that it came out than anything.

Did you expect him to threaten killing the lad via the Internet?

What’s the point of the internet if you can’t threaten to kill someone on it?


There’s no correct way to act or thing to say after you hear something traumatic. I’d give him the benefit of the doubt for now


Or perhaps he was being harassed by the media and this sorted the issue.

Lads are now triggered over the fathers measured statement. :man_shrugging:

Yes something along the lines of Liam Neeson in Taken would have been appropriate and measured.


Very true.

Hardly measured harry. And I get @the_man_himself giving him the benefit being in shock, but he seemed more disappointed than concerned that his daughter has been abused.

Your responses to this today seem to be very strange. More about social media than anything else. Whether she has or hasn’t gone to the police, sometimes dealing with cases like this needs proof put out there as so many, many times these cases get swepped aside and the footballer or celebrity gets the benefit of the doubt. Already today I’ve seen online posts about her looking for a pay out and always two sides to the story. Others calling out the fake pictures. Even with seemingly hard evidence, people still won’t believe her. This goes down further route where its almost impossible to prove cases like this and for her to report him she would have faced a huge backlash over it and many wouldn’t have taken her word at all. The fact she had to go to this length to even get it somewhere and still doesn’t get believed by many proves that sometimes you do need to use social media to your advantage.


Own it mate. Your posts. You can semi/reverse/double ballhop all you like but sadly, you really didn’t give a fuck. Your first thought was to use a case of domestic violence to score a few points for ‘your’ club. Obviously, ‘it meant more.’