Manchester United 21/22

They need to stick next time though, Jose was the man but he wasn’t supported.

So, Pep or Klopp?

@Bandage with a big one……

Will Van Der Sar be taking out another ad?

But hasn’t football moved on from Fergie’s methods?

I’ve said it before but it’s all about philosophy now, innit’? Top level football is becoming more and choreographed and systems based. The randomness is going out of it. It’s all about repetitive patterns and becoming so good and cohesive as a unit that everything flows. That applies to both defence and attack, and everybody must be completely familiar with their individual role in the wider system and how they interact with teammates. If he tucks in then I move there and he moves to where I was etc etc. It’s not about shouting at lads and giving them “belief” or signing individual big name, big reputation players (hello Ronaldo for Man U and Messi for PSG signings in recent times) that don’t fit into any overall philosophy.

Manchester United need to decide what their philosophy is, get the manager that best fits that profile and then go about signing/selling players depending on whether they’re suited or ill-matched to that way of playing.


United need to open the wallet and back the new manager with the same largesse shown to klopp.

United need a big name manager.

Give it giggsy

Klopp turned Manchester United down in 2013.

I’d love to see Kevin Keegan at the helm at Man United.

Wise move. United fans wouldn’t stand for one league title and one champions league in seven seasons. He’d have been out after two.

They actually have a way of playing though (frenzied, high intensity pressing aided by doping, that doesn’t let teams out of their own half before overwhelming them with movement, pace, angle of pass/run etc). All the (drugs assisted) running/sprinting on and off the ball which looks headless is completely co-ordinated and they sign players to fit that playing profile. Returning to the choreographed point, they even have a throw in coach to work out the best way to retain possession and change the point of attack from this particular form of restart. On the other hand, ManU might have 2 lads pressing but another few scratching their holes and so on.

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This isn’t the Limerick hurling thread mate.

Manchester United were once at the vanguard of tactical innovation

The full team offside trap

Hogwash. It’s about honesty of effort and moral courage.

David Moyes rehabilitation is complete. It’s time to bring him home


Stephen Kenny would be a good fit.

Has a clearly defined style, history of success at club level, European experience in club and international game but limited in latter sphere by being unable to mould squads/buy players.

He’d relish the chance to implement his vision at Manchester United. You can see his forward thinking nature by his hiring of Anthony Barry and now John Eustace to replace him. Getting someone at the club coalface whose club side plays the same system as Ireland in the case of both Barry and Eustace.

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That’s leaves Ireland in quite the predicament though.

Burnley and Norwich?

Pep would do a right number on him

YaYa Toure would only be trotting after him