Manchester United 21/22

Classic TFK :clap:

Just admit what you’re doing here.

You’re defending the right of white male studio pundits to ridicule a black player based on his name.

Why are you doing that?

You might want to have a read of the Yorkshire Cricket racism story.

Ingrained attitudes like yours are what enabled that to happen.

Why wouldn’t Micah call it out? Skipped that one didn’t you.

Go on

What a bizarre question.

This is really touching a nerve with you, isn’t it?

You should probably examine why that is.

You’re calling two men racist, without any substantiation.

If they were being racist why would Micah, Keanes friend and colleague sit there and not say anything?

Are you just not going to answer?

I said there were racist overtones to what they said.

They didn’t ridicule any other player’s name.

Why did they ridicule Wan-Bissaka’s name?

What about his name is either hard to pronounce or worthy of ridicule?

If you can’t see how singling out a black player for ridicule based on their name feeds into a wider problem, I can’t help you.

I bet the following link touches a raw nerve with you too.

So you won’t answer the question. You insinuated racism against two men with fuck all to back it up.

You might want to examine that.

In fairness Keane was on such a rant he stopped halfway through saying Wan Bissaka’s name in exasperation more than anything else and did not call him “Wampuss”, he said “Wan Buss-” and stopped halfway through to do that whole exasperated thing he always does.

Souness alright, it was disrespectful as opposed to racist. He could equally do the same with a Spanish or French name though

Your contributions here haven’t been in good faith at all.

You have refused to answer the central point. Why is it alright to single out a black player for ridicule based on his name?

Souness said the following: “Wan-Bikasa, or whatever his name is” (in a dismissive tone), Keane called Wan-Bissaka “Wampuss” and immediately threw his arms in the air.

Isn’t that ridiculing somebody based on their name?

Yet Harry Maguire or Luke Shaw or David De Gea were not ridiculed based on their name.

When Roy Evans said “not many normal names on the pitch, are there?”, was it correct that it was pointed out as a problematic comment?

Of course it was.

You’re being completely disingenuous when it comes to what Roy Keane said. He did not say anything untoward whatsoever. It must be tough work being such a horrible cunt all the time

Good day to you


I heard what he said and the way he said it, thanks.

Why would Micah Richards not have a problem with it?

You won’t answer

I’ll answer it for you. There is nothing to have a problem with.

‘Well if he doesn’t mind us laughing at him, what harm has been done?


You heard what you wanted to hear, and interpreted it in the way you wanted to.

It’s pretty telling that nobody has actually engaged on the points I made.

Raw nerves touched ahoy.

So you think Micah would just sit there and accept racist overtones?

I think that says more about you

I hear Donny got a great reception from the knowledgable home support when he was thrown in for 10 minutes at the nd

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Oh I’m a racist so now too I suppose yeah?

Wow. There’s a shock.

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Any apology offered by any player yet?

Why does it just have to be black people that are offended by racism?