Manchester United 21/22

Serendipity. SAF and the class of 96 coinciding.

Obviously he’s less effective against better opposition cos utd are so easily outthought tactically at the moment.

Manchester United is basically one big old boys’ club. Ole at the wheel driving blind, Fergie upstairs like Lady MacBeth signing the great white elephant over the head of the manager, a cossetted class of pundits like Keane and Neville who won’t tell the truth about Solskjaer and are finding ever more deluded and fantastical ways to make excuses for their best buddy Ole. Neither will they tell the truth about the meddling Ferguson, who is an absolute nuisance hanging around the club like a plague of rats, who should be told in blunt terms that he is fucking finished in terms of having any influence at the club.

The hilarious thing about all this is that when anybody who has played for Liverpool or Manchester City says the obvious, the old boys think they’re being trolled and dig in deeper as a reaction and rally even more around Solskjaer.

Keep it up, lads, keep it up.

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Not by me.

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He’s so well liked even fans of their fiercest rivals (well clubs they used to challenge for honours ) sing his song.

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Nor me.

He’s a snide cunt. I’m delighted for him.


Utd are too big and have too much financial muscle to be down. They’ll come but it might take 5 -10 years.

Ferguson invited the Glazers in

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Box office, plain and simple. I immediately scrolled to the latest post obviously and can only speculate ive missed out on dozens of repetitive & inane posts from the usual odd balls.(Heres one now)


Man Utdcare box office, I’ll miss Ole badly when he’s gone.

It seems to me that a big part of their problem is that other English clubs have already bought up most of the best players in the world. It Man U are really serious I think they should pay whatever is required for the best holding midfielder that money can buy, regardless of who owns him at the moment - maybe a big €70M bid for Jorginho is what they need.

Good to see Capt Maguire has issued an apology

He was a gutless Cunt who never tested himself. Happy coming on when teams were done and dusted and he picked up a few soft goals. A charlatan.

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I’d disagree. United have superb players, with the exception of Maguire. What’s needed is an experienced top level coach with balls. And a top level coaching team. Ole is completely inexperienced for this gig and in way over his head. The coaching recruitment has been extremely lazy. There is no point in splashing out for new players while not coaching the ones we have.

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Manchester United are the biggest and best thing in World Sport.

Even though they are currently battling mid table mediocrity, they still have have the usual suspects driven absolutley demented.


Liverpool fans spent the morning discussing man united despite their big game this afternoon.


24/7 coverage on SSN.

There’s only one show in town when it comes down to it

The deluded protection of Solskjaer is like the delusion on the part of Governments across the world that they could return to 2019 normality in the absence of a vaccine.

Pochettino held on for 18 months waiting for Manchester United waiting for them to do the obvious thing and sack Solskjaer. He was gagging for the Manchester United job. They didn’t sack Solskjaer, Pochettino gets bored and goes to PSG.

Even then Manchester United could still have acted and got Tuchel. But no, they still protected “Ollie”.

They get beaten 5-0 at home by Liverpool, who didn’t even play that well. Conte is waiting by the phone for the call. But no, United say “we’ll stick with Ollie!” So Conte goes to Spurs. Spurs!

Now every top coach is off the market and the rest of the world is falling around laughing at Manchester United like Dick Byrne laughed at Ted Crilly and Dougal Maguire playing “My Lovely Horse” on stage.

The “top reds”, the self styled “propeh Man Yehn-eye-hed men” who back “Ollie” still think that they can be like Ted and Dougal and win playing “My Lovely Horse”. As Harry Maguire plays like Dougal Maguire.

But that was a sitcom in which the winning song was selected because of how shite it was. It was not top level professional football.

Solskjaer on the bench looks like Ted and Dougal in the green room at Eurovision as the nul pwah and the keine puntes and the neerde peerdes come in.

You lost everybody that started to read this right here.


Everyone slows down for a car crash


Van Gaal and Mourinho were yesterday men well least it when they were hired.

Solskjaer had a manger cv of managing in the Norwegian farmers league and getting Cardiff City relegated.

Moysie was never given a chance.