Manchester United Football Club 20/21

If united don’t beat this Liverpool team on the 17th they’re at nothing.

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Great stuff from the boss


Coach Ole is the boss now and he has the car space to prove it.

Good news guys, I am considering adopting Man Utd as my footix club to follow for 2021


Footix. Says the Irish lad following the NFL​:joy::joy::joy:

Another ratty Scouser would be. Jog on loser

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Man Utd are the peoples team. They have sound values across the board. Hiring a club legend as oppossed to a mercenary says it all. Real football Real people


The authorities will do everything to ensure Liverpool win it. It will be amazing if we do it.

We are up against it. They pulled a global pandemic out their holes last year to get the job done, fuck knows what level of trickery they will concoct this time around


We’re like maximus in gladiator or Rafa in Wimbledon. It’ll take a monumental effort to win it.

It’s a very weak league whoever wins it this year can’t really count it.

No crowds means it’s advantage Manchester. They are used to the silent stadiums.

I dont think last year really counts, sure anytime could have happened if they’d finished the season

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@TheUlteriorMotive appears to be in the midst of a mental breakdown.

No League that included a water break after 20 odd minutes can be taken seriously.


Glory Glory Man United

Sure I won an ulster senior club medal as a mere 15 year old and water never passed my lips. You never would have thunk of such a thing.

Ole has merely bought himself time yet again before he gets the sack. They’ll go on a shit run again now. Pity for the club because the players are there to win the league this year

I don’t know . Man U are currently doing well but the players have put a huge effort in to getting here after the early season dross . I still think good teams playing well will fillet them handy enough .

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