Marian Finucane's South Dublin Coffee Morning - Official Thread

Myself and the auld lad had a night out in Dublin four or five years ago. We ended up in the Palace on Fleet Street. The father would know their people well (mountainy people from around Kilcommon originally I think).

We saw Marian and family there, all in good spirits and well turned out. I think there’s a small function room upstairs but I’ve never been up there before. When we were reading our papers at breakfast the next morning, we realised they were in there celebrating Marian’s wedding

A bland auld story but one I just remembered.

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Marian was a huge commercial revenue puller not just for her show but the other ones that were before and after it in usually dead time slots at the weekend.

If she wasn’t essentially turning a profit, RTÉ wouldn’t have renewed her contract (you could argue that they also feared her going elsewhere, and taking a huge audience share, but I couldn’t see Dinny O’Brien as her paymaster). She mustn’t have been a direct employee, as she would have been retired if so (a la Mary Kennedy).

Time will tell, if they get anyone half decent in to replace her it’ll be interesting to see if there’s a sizeable drop in numbers.

Would you hand it back?

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No I’d keep schtum and not attempt to justify the unjustifiable.

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So you’re criticising her really for trying to justify the salary rather than just hiding away like a child from the criticisim…

Its good to get a proper understanding of these things

Yes mate, that’s how it works, that slot and style of show is a big revenue earner for years to come, the show will change very little, like the Liveline,

No, you haven’t got a proper understanding, I could try and explain it again but I can’t understand it for you.

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mate, please refrain from sharing such inane stories ever again


Why not? She shilled like a mofo for him.

Fair enough pal . Happy New year

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& to you mate

Good story

A lovely informality to it

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Thanks pal. Happy New year

An jurself pal

The bloke filling in for Sean O’Rourke this morning (does a bit of farming news and sport, Damien O’Reilly possibly?) was saying All Ireland Final day won’t be the same anymore. The real buzz of the day began in earnest when Marian previewed it with guests on her show.

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Was he suggesting cancelling All Ireland finals going forward?

At least half the GAA is suggesting that

Maybe just cancel them for this year as a mark of respect.

What about if some one else hosts the show an previews the games?