Marian Finucane's South Dublin Coffee Morning - Official Thread

They gave the ole howth curmudgeon playing old records slot to Gaybo. You should have thrown your hat in the ring when he died.

Incorrect. The Sunday Show aired, with Tom McGuirk hosting before Finucane took over the timeslot.

Saturday was different again.

Don’t tell lies just because you didn’t like her Fagan.

I agree her salary was too high, particularly carrying over the same levels from weekday to weekend (when she was unproven). You have to give her her due though, there are few Weekend programmes anywhere in the world that rate well, let alone be a top 10 show. She did that for RTÉ.

Correct, we disagree on a lot, but your knowledge of the analogue media landscape I cannot deny.


Sunday Show (RTÉ Radio 1) fans, and I am one dating back to when the great Andy O’Mahony was in the chair, will be disappointed that tomorrow’s is the last show, with Marian Finucane’s new weekend programmes beginning next week. Under Tom McGurk’s stewardship over the last couple of years, the show, which is essentially an overview of the week’s news and events, flourished with a broad variety of high-calibre guests fetching up every week to be egged on and challenged by a presenter very much on top of his game. For a growing number of listeners it was the audio version of the Sunday papers - it’ll be interesting to see what formula replaces it.


Horrible post. I was immediately struck by the snarky tone.

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#marian irked me quite a bit at times but at the same time she had an easy charm and comforting familiarity which I will miss

It was the radio equivalent of putting on a pair of slippers, although I’ve never owned a pair of slippers - I hear they can be quite comfortable

OK then, the radio equivalent of a cigarette - often relaxing yet sometimes irritating to your insides if you have too many

Horrible snarky attack at me again. @Fagan_ODowd has repeatedly had a whack at Marian here and wrongly so as Tim has shown. No harm letting him know others feel otherwise. As yourself, I’d lay off the gin, it’s making you cantalach.

In all fairness, all Tim and the gang have asserted is that Marian got better ratings than Andy O Mahony, Tom McGuirk and Mass. In all fairness a monkey with a microphone would have managed that.



Still playing to the gallery after being proven completely wrong, just making it up as you go along?
Wonderful way to slight the dead journalist :+1:

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The fawning over this auld bag on the radio this morning would sicken your hole.


They’ll knock the weekend out of it.

The month of January anyways

This Rachel English wan’ has lost the run of it here. Every fuckstick who ever got a squawk on RTE is on now sharing memories.
Then Granny from Gortnashithole texts in with some inane bullshit about a cow calving and Grandpa glued to the radio and endless mindless scutter…

The TV license is a woeful scam… Oh wait…

Dave Fanning machine-gunning waffle now. Grrrrrrrr.


They could have done a 2 for 1 special with the crowd who turned up for the Gaybo tribute a few weeks back.

It’s sad the woman died, obviously, but every two bit RTE personality is heralded as a mould breaker when in reality they were exorbitantly overpaid for talking scutter for a few hours a week.


In fairness it’s a great time of the year for a celeb death. Dail business not back in full swing so the news agenda is somewhat thin.


Herself and Gaybo timed it well. The Sunday Papers will get a fair bit of mileage from her sad passing too.

Noteworthy that Donald Trump chose the day that Marian Finucane died to knock off that Iranian fellow.


Great play by the Knave of Trumps.

There are a few here who think she revolutionised weekend radio.