Marian Finucane's South Dublin Coffee Morning - Official Thread

And there was me thinking she invented radio goin by the way people are lamenting her.

It’s mad that #marian has managed to piss off so many unhappy middle aged men who already hated her, merely by dying

Seems she couldn’t do anything right in these poor unfortunates’ minds


Shocked that the people in her workplace or indeed on her own programme are talking about her
Some Making up lies about a recently deceased woman to suit their own agenda and belittle her career, the others lapping it up, champagne socialists giving out about her earnings, a woman who did more for charity than they would in 50 lifetimes, a bad day.


It’s a bit weird that unhappy middle aged men on a niche INTERNET forum that very few people read would be so surprised and so up in arms that a long running high profile national radio programme would be dedicated to the memory of the presenter of said programme, who died unexpectedly less than 48 hours beforehand

These same lads would probably travel to the next county to attend the funeral of somebody they didn’t know and had never heard of

Will you head out to Marian’s funeral in Kill?

I shall mark the occasion in my own private way

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They would of course. And in for a feed of sandwiches and a hot one then if twas going

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The reality is she’ll neither be missed or remembered. Apart from her defending Dinnys good name I can’t remember anything of note she did, aside from getting serious buck for a few hours work.


My favourite Marian moments concerned Councillor who was known to me. He was a dab hand with local radio (Joe Finnegan Shannonside) but 1 day expanded to Liveline with Marian.

MF: And now we have Councillor Tommy from XXXX. How’s things with you Tommy…
Tommy: Great Marian but the young lads here are gone ape, loads of complaints about anti social behaviour etc…
MF: What’s the issue so Tommy?
T. No detergent Marian, none at all. Doin’ what they like.
MF: Tommy come again… before after 3 takes Tommy concedes the wording…

Tommy gets a gentle chiding about his penchant for the media and is encouraged to desist
This is taken on board, but, he’s mad on another project involving ancient ruins.

An agenda of positive suggestions are mooted, one including an interpretative centre…

A month passes and here we go again.

MF: Tommy, it’s yourself again and off he goes… It’s all going according to script until he insists on an interrogation centre… Oops
MF: A what Tommy…
T: An interrogation centre Marian, for the foreigners to clue them in Marian…

Marian has collapsed at this stage…

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what is this drivel?


He’s been at the poitín again.

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No offense mate but this sounds like the ramblings of an ageing drunken Muldoon

It’s about misenterprentation of vocabulary, it’s not that hard to join the dots. It’s close to
the difference between duckers/suckers and fuckers in the modern game.

Ah come on lads. It seems the bould Tommy decided to jazz up his vocabulary for his interviews on national radio and mixed up the words detergent and deterrent and interrogation and interpretation

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Please stop



Well she massively increased the ratings on the same time slots previously. Non religious slots. Those are facts.

I enjoyed it, reminded me of the Wicklow councillor and his outrage at who’s responsibility it would be to feed the gondolas.

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C’mere you. I’m not in the least interested in your save the planet campaign, but, seeing as you’ve inadvertently become the forum’s expert on vocabulary, I’ll ask you to revisit your use of the word SEGREGATED in your waffling about bicycles.

You’re not Governor Wallace of Alamaba (a noted racist) and I’m offering you the option of Designated as your option of choice in your future ramblings.

Let this be a deterrent to you…