Marian Finucane's South Dublin Coffee Morning - Official Thread

“Fianna Fail went in the door so they could get out the door”, says pol corr John Downing about their “discussions” with Fine Gael.

I’m reminded of this:

Mary Lou McDonald finally admits that there are vast differences between Fine Gael and Fianna Fail.

“Fianna Fail eat their dinner in the middle of the day.”

Lovely to hear the soft, sympathetic tones of Katie Hannon directing proceedings for this morning’s box office edition of SoDuCoMo.

Fianna Fail’s Mark Daly just confused the Sex Pistols’ “God Save The Queen” with the UK national anthem.

Some clown on here moaning about being fucked out of Australia for drink driving twice. He had a conviction for the same here. That’s three times.
The panel seem to be sympathetic with him. He sounds like a cunt.

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He’s hardly a Garda and a former inter county GAA player is he?

Anna Geary on now talking about sports bras and leggings.

Are you touching yourself whilst listening to it ?

Hell, yes. I just took a very short break to write this post.


New guest here this morning. Jennifer a lecturer in the WIT. Jennifer got a great insight into the planning process working in the planning office in Waterford for a summer.

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Some cuntfest on right now

Give us the line up mate

B. Ahern
Michael Collins’ grandniece
Some boring small business type
Some boring “security expert” who isn’t Declan Power
That journalist who sometimes appears on Vinnnie Browne who looks like he’s 12 years old
Some prick who insists on affixing the name of the capital city of England before the home city of Martin McGuinness


Showdown time on the airwaves presently as Yatesy makes his big return to Dinny FM in a direct challenge to the queen of Sunday morning chat.

I’ll be sticking with my beloved #marian.

Marian has enlisted a heavyweight this morning to blow Yatesy out of the water in the shape of former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis.

Isn’t he flogging his memoirs ??

Yates had the usual crew on this morning, Nora Owen and Fionnan Sheehan

He is yeah. He was over here a few weeks ago

Wasn’t he over for that Kilkenomics thing in Kilkenny?


No fucking way will I be moving the dial.
