Marian Finucane's South Dublin Coffee Morning - Official Thread

A panellist talking very knowledgeably here about the “Waheebi tribe”, Waheebi-ism, and the Sun-eyes.

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Where do they think the best place is in Thurles for a pint ??

have you gotten thru the Sunday editions yet Sid?

I’ve only read Eamonn Sweeney’s Sindo article* about the Kerry doper, which I found lying on the dinner table**.

*thanks @backinatracksuit
**I found the article on the table, not the doper.

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Pompous cunt Michael O’Regan saying that if Labour had a more centrist* leader they might be in government.

He just doesn’t get it.


You never miss a show do you Sidney? :joy:

I’m the anti-DUP of #marian.

I generally give Saturdays a miss and only listen on Sundays.


Saturdays are generally shit anyway with her.
Although O’CONNOR was interviewing Brendan Gleaston yesterday. You would have enjoyed that @Sidney

#saturdaymarian is #lifestylemarian.

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Fucking dire fare here.

“Summer is good for government”, says pointless media drone Gerard Howlin.

Move the dial Sid

I can’t. Power FM no longer exists. Stuck with Jim Power FM instead.

Get the app so


With all due respects it’s a grand Sunday in July and there surely is something better to be doing than this .

“I think he’s just a salesman”, says Patrick Cosgrave of Alexander Nix, late of Cambridge Analytica.

Patrick does a tremendous line in irony.


Jordan Peterson on now with Marian.

Cc @anon61956325

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I’ll have to listen back to that later. Should be a good evisceration by Jordan.

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This is tedious radio.

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She started out slowly with simple questions, let him speak but then became more confident and challenged him. He has now dragged her out into deep water and she is struggling


Marian getting stuck into Brian Crowley MEP here for earning over 200 grand a year for the past 5 years for very little discernible work.