Marine le Pen

michael d michael d, up and heā€™s michael d michael d michael d givin his all
michael d michael d, up and heā€™s michael d michael d michael d up in the dail

michael d michael d, up and heā€™s michael d michael d michael d givin his all
michael d michael d, up and heā€™s michael d michael d michael d up in the dail

michael d lectured me in sociology, i was in UCG for the degree
for social policy, global equality, he was the king of the arts faculty

michael d lectured me in sociology, i was in UCG for the degree
for social policy, global equality, he was the king of the arts faculty

Fake jobs!

Itā€™s not the worst thing if you donā€™t comment rather than post for the sake of it.

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She certainly seems to be able to take enoigh money for herself out of the EU

[quote=ā€œSidney, post:108, topic:23384, full:trueā€]
It is an utterly backward culture. Dead right that her culture is not equivalent to others. It is infinitely inferior to, for instance, mine, and also to that of the vast majority of Muslims. [/quote]

Well you do live in Galway, so I would expect some influence from the cultural capital of Europe.

You do realize that the vast majority of Muslims live in countries where the treatment of women ranges from second class citizens to slaves. 19 of the 20 worst countries in the world for women to live, in terms of rights, are Muslim majority, and the 20th is Ethiopia which is 30% Muslimā€¦ and we are not talking equal pay type issues, but rather rights that are a bit more significant like genital mutilation, legal marriage of girls aged 9, forced virginity tests, honor killings, and the like.

But Iā€™m sure youā€™re right, if Le Pen were to be elected president, France would become a hell hole for women.


Attitudes like yours and that of Marine Le Pen offer nothing to anybody, except misery.

They offer misery to Muslims, and misery to everybody else who has a brain and isnā€™t a racist bigot.

Le Penā€™s very transparent tactic, like Trump, is to vilify the other.

That has been your consistent tactic here too. You vilify Muslims, you vilify anybody whose political opinions you donā€™t agree with.

Please cite examples where vilifying the other has led to anything else except misery for people.

Given that you so clearly believe such a strategy, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find it very easy.

Did you read this before you posted it? Are you totally disconnected from your own posts?

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I donā€™t vilify anybody whose political opinions I disagree with.

People who consistently engage in shameless far-right bigotry like @anon7035031 does are a different matter.

You constantly doā€¦

ā€¦ and youā€™re doing it again.


Always cracks me up how Christians put so much stock in books of the Jewish people.

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Sorry, mate, I should have said everybody, not anybody.

On the contrary, speaking out and campaigning for sanctions against oppressive ideology and regimes that impose brutal discrimination is the right thing to do. By your logic the Nazis shouldnā€™t have been vilified.

It is very telling that you and your fellow nutter lefties cannot being yourself to criticize the most horrendous abusive ideology and regimes on the planet, but regard any criticism of Islam in western societies as a crime against humanity.

As always, when you have your head handed to you, you resort to personal abuse and name calling. Pathetic.

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Another boring post full of nothing except pathetic bigotry, from the poster who called for Islam to be banned.

Funny how you claimed you were an ā€œindependentā€, yet now youā€™re up to your neck desperately defending Trump over every bigoted move he makes, and now youā€™re supporting the fascists of France.

Stormfront is the place for you, pal.

Deary me.

Labane hypocrisy alert #37394.

Youā€™re just a really shit version of Ian Oā€™Doherty.

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Penelope Fillon has been arrested. Alain Juppe will come back in now. Blow for Macron.

The French electorate have been Jupped

Oooft, could be curtains for the racist boot.

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But Fillon has said heā€™s going nowhere

Bad news for Le Pen fan @anon7035031, or should I say @lepen2017.

Having earlier stated he would if an investigation was launched, which it it now has been.

Fillon is staking everything on a Trump-style ā€œmass rallyā€ on Sunday which is more likely to turn into a damp squib.

Sarkozy is apparently trying to stop Juppe from coming back into the race in place of Fillon - he apparently would rather see his ā€œsideā€ lose than have that happen.