Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

It’s a cunt hole.

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Had pints with the Na Piarsaigh lads last night. A lovely bunch of lads

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Interesting article in the shite Limerick Post this weekend :eek:

@ciarancareyshurlingarmy or others what are they doing to the road opposite the cement factory?

Seem to be widening it? Why? Is it to stop people driving through Mungret?

I’ll field this one.
It’s related to the development of the whole area around Mungret College which the council bought a few years ago. There is going to be two schools, a park and a few other things.The new road will be developed with cycle-paths etc.

How far into the field opposite it is the road going?

That is correct. And some land around the Mungret pitches possibly available for the club

Your man on the corner is after getting some wall built out of it.

Limerick is booming thanks to Michael Noonan.


It must be a fuckin fas scheme,it taking them long enough

They are definitely getting paid by the block anyway :grin:

They did the same on the road between Askeaton and Rathkeale on the turn down to Cappagh. They widened the turn off a bit to give better visibility, then built a fuckin huge stone wall around both the properties on either side of the road.

Wall is on the south and west of the house which is near the road , bad result. They only extended and renovated the house a few years back.

And out the Tipperary road a few years back

Paid by the day more likely julio

You boys from the west take great interest in our local developments. What do you think of the electronic sign at the clubhouse?


Now I’m always kept up to date on the goings on at Mungret GAA Club. You’d know t’was Askeaton men running the place.

@balbec on the way from Limerick to killmallock there’s a little boozer on the side of the road called the hamlet looks like a savage spot for a dirty pint. Is it still open do you know?

Also when did bruff start claiming JFK?

I always thought the same myself. Looks like it would be a noble boozer.
