Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

The trade is over in Elton

Informative rating.

The Swans has recently changed hands and has reopened. Previous proprietor was Mike Lundon who was sub-goalkeeper for Limerick in the 1974 All-Ireland final. Won a few county medals with South Liberties.

Informative rating for that.

Did not know Mike had sold it on.

He’d lost all interest in it in recent years and it only opened sporadically, if at all.

I was told who the new owner is, but I’ve forgotten. Last time I was in there it was in fairly bad repair so there’s a good bit to be done with it.

The Tower is still open. Noble spot.

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Maloneys in Knockainey is still doing good business although I’ve heard he’s got it up for sale.

Only seven pubs left in Kilmallock now.

The case is altered.

Is that where @Smark had to swerve to avoid a mouse and drenched the travellers in the puddles. Good idea to widen it then for genuine road users.

No that was the Ballysimon road. Near the sulky racetrack.

The new road is going all the way up to the roundabout on the patrickswell rd


some amount of twee bullshit here, lads discussing that someone in limerick built a wall

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Your gaff in a couple of years :grin:

we stopped it before we will stop it again

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Tis a fine wall though


No wonder Mungret hurling is on the up.

It is a ground breaking secret initiative. Placing hurling walls around the parish.

All ye need now is hurlers