Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

A few months, should have reopened on St Patrickā€™s day.

Builders are finished and out of it this week. Currently being decorated. Looks a fine job, lovely stonework outside it. If she does food sheā€™ll do well.

Beagh is the spot in Ballysteen. A great spot for a swim straight after training on a summers evening.

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That makes me jealous. Wonderful to have such a place available

Summer 2013 was the highlight. Absolutely melting hot after training and all 20 lads used belt down there for half an hour of a swim. That year there could be up to 100 other revellers down there when weā€™d arrive. There came a time where we were fixing trainings to suit tide times nearly.


Is this anywhere near that massive boxite plant ?

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Corbally Baths used to be the best spot to swim in the city in my fathers time, Shannon Banks across the river fucked it up.

No. Miles away. And well up stream from it .

Ha, no wonder ye lads are good at football. Ye all have six fingers on each hand.

That fucking plant is some ecological disaster.

Amazing how they are still getting away with itā€¦maybe it isnā€™t on second thoughts.

The red pond is some disgrace alright . Fucking thing takes over some area now.

It should never have been allowed.

Itā€™s unbelievable what they get away with, itā€™s actually a scandal what theyā€™ve been doing to that area.

I wouldnā€™t be a tree hugger eitherā€¦but thereā€™s savage pollution that only a few get to see in and around the plant itself.

I was shocked when I saw it a good few years back and reckon it hasnā€™t changed much either. Red and Orange ponds by the river disgusting.

I go running on the nature trails around there and if the wind is a certain way the caustic in the air would burn the chest off you.

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Same as that .I know a few lads who have come out in a bad rash from running down there. The air is full of caustic.

Not good for youā€¦Iā€™d go running the other way if I were you mate.

Sure didnā€™t it kill half the cattle in the area when it first opened

Did the local farmers ever get compensated for that?

Forgive my ignorance now, I only ever heard a few stories about calves been born with two heads and stuff which was probably bollix back in the 90ā€™s.

I knew one of the families involved through mrs ccha, they had a very difficult time.

Ah sure the EPA covered it all up .