Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

The way they like it :grinning:

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That looks a lovely spot, Iā€™m delighted that my aimless driving yesterday evening has given rise to a discussion about a forgotten beauty spot in Limerick, lovely view over to Rineanna/Shannon airport. I did notice that the Broad majestic Shannon was fairly raging below in Ringmoylan, would you be taking a chance going for a dip below there, Iā€™d be a good strong pool swimmer but not so much in the sea.

I may well be up on Knockfierna later today, havenā€™t in a few years and all the kids should manage it now, Iā€™ll take the little one on my shoulders for some of it, if I do it Iā€™ll get ye a nice picture.

There used to be a sea pool in ringmoylan until relatively recently. A great amenity that was left to decay until it was beyond saving.

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It would be terrific to be up there on a fine summers day like today. Might venture up there tomorrow afternoon myself.

Ireland is a different country with a bit of fine weather.

Knockfierna is a mighty spot.

I remember going into it a couple of times. Fucking horrible :smile:

Foynes swimming pool was the same. Used to be filled by the tide. Crabs and all inside in it.

I just remember slipping around on the seaweed. No good to a kid but youā€™d enjoy it now.

There is going to be a Mexican snack wagon in the ā€œUrban Gardenā€ (which is a good idea woefully implemented) outside Pennies everyday for the summer.

Is that were the crepes shed currently is?

Yes Big Mick and the Rene Cusacks stand.
I think the Crepes is actually an ice cream vendor now though.

Is Foynes swimming pool still there?

Iā€™d very disappointing tacos that I waited twenty minutes for there on Monday. Hope it improves.

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She said the weekend was mental. They completely sold out of everything by Monday evening so Iā€™d say you were just unlucky with the timing. My burrito was nice, could have been a bit hotter and was a little dry. They use proper corn wraps as opposed to flour ones.

You canā€™t get daycent Mexican in this countryā€¦ some places will get the taste right but give you very little and charge a lot. Others then load up but itā€™s average fareā€¦ alas, Iā€™ve learned to stay away en Irlandaā€¦


Yeah. I was waiting around like a mug for twenty minutes and not even a hint of an apology. The two in the van looked like they hadnā€™t a clue what they were doing, and were about as Mexican as set-dancing in Tournafulla. No flavour there at all.

A friend was telling me thereā€™s some Mexican store up in Dublin where you can load up on proper tortillas and whatnot. Must get the deets pal.

Protests in Limerick today- at the Courthouse, Bank of Ireland, AIB, maybe one or two more banks, couple of solicitors, an estate agents, they came into the courtyard of our place.

They had a coffin with them, which seems to have attracted a lot of attention.

Was on the Limerick-Foynes bus after, one of them was sitting behind me, heard him say ā€œThere was about 120 of us inside in Bank of Ireland with the coffin, they hadnā€™t a clue what was going on. Savage craic.ā€

They seemed to enjoy it anyway.

Iā€™m no fan of the banksā€¦but youā€™d have to wonder what does that so called protest actually achieve?

Do they think by going around with a coffin and a couple of cheap masks on theyā€™ll save the world from capitalism.

I dunno, nice day out in the sun?