Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

But lazy, useless and ignorant barbers.

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Great tackies there as well.

She spent serious money on it,her brother is goin to run it isn’t he

Nothing you can’t get here to be honest, I’ve been a few times in recent years with the family in the Eurocamps,
It’s a grand place really but you always meet a few cunts who spoil it for you, a bit like TFK.


I’d much prefer Italian food and people to the French. Find it a lot more expensive and people less friendly.

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Looks to have seeious money spent on it alright. Inside and out. It was an awful sad story about the husband. I’d say they had a few quid made? He seemed to have his own construction business in around manhattan.

She was the brains of the operation. Best of luck to her.

Indeed. Hope it goes well for them . The food was very good there a few years back. Under a different proprietor.

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I worked for Trevor for a short spell in NY he was supposed to move back for good as well but I suppose it isn’t easy to leave a thriving business behind you and move to croagh running a pub

Do you know her ambrose?

I might be mistaken but I’m nearly sure he’d already left the business from a day to day point of view he was only over there for a few days every few weeks I think.

No mate, live a few miles away but inlaws would know of them.

True enough he was over and back every couple of weeks alright

What happened him exactly? Something fell on him while he was unloading a lorry?

Ye he was unloading stuff off the back of the truck when the hiab snapped and the load crushed him,fuckin lorry was brand new as well

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The leader has won some award for its digital coverage of the election. Here it is:

Lads limerick posters where did ye go to School? I went to fucking munchins, thought about it today when I saw an old picture of athlunkard st in an irelands own mag I found on a train home from work.
A great history article too in it on the flags of Ireland

What year did you leave?

93 pal

Crescent comprehensive.