Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

Ffs 5 minutes from me, i moved out that way way in 5th class and I couldn’t get in

High achievers only. There’s a new school going in mungret that’ll ruin it.

Munchins in fairness was a v good academic
school. Full of fat fucking roasters though. Didn’t here about this mungeret school . Played against b tobin a few times in a few different sports decent player. You from that way yourself pal?

Wtf. Pm please bud

Who do you know from Shannon Banks?

I hear Munchins is full of scummers now.

Were you good at the soggy biscuit contest?

Pm bud

Jabba…aka jab ya with a blade I believe mate.

His brothers name is Liam Lika Casey. Now that you couldn’t make up.

On the six one there, a certain fella who supposedly was being extorted by the Weston crowd a few years back was charged with the same thing today himself and driving nails through a fellas feet in Kennedy park :eek:

He was on RTE even afterwards if my memory serves me right, Brendan O’Connor show I think.

MH?? The name rang a bell when I heard it on the news earlier, it is the same guy??

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Very same guy…was on a recent TV3 show with Donal Macintyre as well.

Changing Lives was his motto :laughing:

Hate to say it, but you’d struggle to make that up.

who is this kid?

@backinatracksuit has the initials for you mate.

Was wondering if it was the same fella. Recognised the name too.

I knew him from years ago when he used to pal around with the late Roy Collins, we had the nickname RatBoy for him at the time after the VIZ character, seemed like a harmless enough sort, was always licking Roy’s hole though, the Collins’s had a bit of wedge back then.

Mikey Hannon?
Martin Haugh?
Mel Hegarty?
Max Harrington?

Mark heffernan

Which Quilligan is that now?

There seems to be an extraordinary amount of college age yanks (mostly birds) around Limerick at the moment, the market was jammed with them and town in general seems to be. Is there something going on?