Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

Start of the summer and it’s the first Saturday. Limericks beauty keeps attracting in the beautiful tourists.

All here for the battle of the titans in the Munster football championship tomorrow.

Erasmus students on the way home.

Yeah I’d often see yanks and Spanish in particular in at the market on a Saturday morning. As an aside Spaniards really seem to be quite enamoured with Ireland in recent years you’d run into them often at touristy areas.

Alot of them out in UL. Talking to a group of them in Nancy’s one night and they were all doing the Trad music degree out there. Loads of Canadians doing the Medical degree out there too. Costs half of what they’d pay at home.

@ChocolateMice were you working in the market today?

I took a trek in the Ballyhouras today. Smashing day for it. I’d say I’m scalded.first time out around there. Very nice

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The mountain biking out around there is class. Rent a bike and bate around the place, great fun.


Great tracks up there

But we can’t house our own.

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Parked at a place called Darragh

According to sources, the 12 families that have resettled in Limerick “are getting on very well and enjoying themselves”.

I’m sure they are.

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I was driving earlier on today up Parnell street, through Wickham st, across William st and it was like a typical North London suburb.

Halal butchers, Kebab shops everywhere etc…when did we sign up for that. Lads standing around smoking e-cigarettes with capes on. Crazy.

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I really enjoy my trips to Limerick too.

I’m gone about a year, pal.

Listen killjoy. They’re only here to have fun. Why can’t you let them enjoy their brief stay. Are you that much of a cunt ?

I bet the Syrians won’t be as fussy about where they get a free house

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Any of you Limerick lads know a place called Grean? Possibly near a place called Garrydoolis.

Limerick is a good place with good people

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