Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

Serious amount of roasters down the dock road earlier. Brown shoes and blue jeans uniform for fellas off to watch dogs running around a field

Lisnagry would be the more upmarket part along with around the Worrells End as well where there are some big houses.

Ahane have a big web.

Was in the locke bar earlierā€¦had a few pints with the mrs.

It was fantasticā€¦bar the cheese burger.

I think the Locke is a bit of a shithole. Canā€™t get over the fascination Limerick people have with it, particularly when thereā€™s any bit of sun out.

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They are easily pleased God love them.


Simpletons drinking pint bottles outside by a smelly river



I passed one of these cunts driving a 161 Hilux yesterday.
Itā€™s a great country.


Drinking outside a pub is repulsive .

Nowt wrong with it at the Barge of a fine Friday afternoon :pint:

109 previous convictions - and he gets half of his three year sentence suspended. Jesus wept.

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Travellers get a raw deal. Thatā€™s an isolated incident. 99.9% of travellers are fine.

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Was ā€œshite in a bucketā€ used as evidence in the case?

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I was called for jury duty in the last few weeks. Of the 12 cases that came up before the court 6 of them were travellers. If we didnā€™t have traveller crime half of the barristers, solicitors and judges would be out of a job. Theyā€™re keeping the legal industry going.

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A great bunch of lads really. Keeping food in the mouths of solicitors children and shoes on their feet.

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Apologies to our Galway brethren in advance, looks like there will be a serious shortage of out-of-date Mars Bars for Sunday.

There will also be a serious shortage of match programmes, but thatā€™s a different matter.


Iā€™m bringing my own soup just in case.