Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

Serious opportunity for @Juhniallio here. Vending machines are a more secure storage option.

Is the cup of soup ok?

Vending machines for programmes

@Smark has gotten his own back after the open stand fiasco

You can tell it wasn’t locals who carried out that theft anyway.

The expresso machine was left untouched.



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Is the fish market in the cresent on a Wednesday not on anymore?

Scurrilous comment

One way to deal with the big brother era,

Espresso mate.
I know a lad who runs a coffee shop and he plays a kind of spot the roaster game based on this common misconception.

Surely it’s the guy running the coffee shop who is the roaster

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Nah mate, he buys them in.

Doyler acting the maggot again…

“I want an expresso and make it snappy!”

Then assume it’s a mistake when they see the size of it.

Woman tells man to ‘f**k off back to India’ on Limerick train

Irish Rail said it has reported the “shocking and disgraceful incident” to gardaí.

51 minutes ago 8,369 Views 45 Comments Share Tweet Email
File photo of Irish Rail train File photo of Irish Rail train
IRISH RAIL HAS condemned an incident on a Limerick train where a woman told a man to “go away and fuck off back to India”.
Footage of the incident, which happened on Sunday on a train from Colbert Station to Limerick Junction, shows the woman verbally abusing the man, telling him: “Speak fucking English when you’re in fucking Ireland, we don’t speak fucking Indian when we’re in fucking India.”
Iarnród Éireann said it was alerted to the incident by a customer via Twitter.
In a statement, the company said: “It is a shocking and disgraceful incident – any form of abuse of customers is intolerable, particularly discriminatory abuse.
“We have contacted the gardaí both in Limerick and in the Community, Diversity and Integration Unit in Harcourt Street, and have asked the customer to contact the gardaí also, particularly if they have any other footage.
The incident will have been deeply upsetting to those who were subject to abuse and those who witnessed it, and we are grateful to the customer who reported it to us and raised awareness of it.
Irish Rail added that it works with the Immigrant Council of Ireland to “counteract racist abuse and encourage reporting of any instances of abuse suffered by customers or employees”.
‘Harrowing footage’
Brian Killoran, CEO of the Immigrant Council of Ireland, also criticised the incident.
It is harrowing watching this footage of people being aggressively abused because of their ethnic identity. Every year the Immigrant Council of Ireland runs an anti-racism campaign alongside Transport for Ireland encouraging victims and witnesses of racism on public transport to report all incidents.
“Sadly we know from this experience racial abuse on public transport is an issue, with victims often being transport staff themselves. Evidence of this nature highlights the need for effective hate crime laws to more robustly tackle such unacceptable behaviour and work towards eradicating it from our society,” Killoran said.
GardaĂ­ confirmed they are investigating the incident and asked anyone with information to contact Henry Street Garda Station in Limerick.

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While obviously not in anyway acceptable. The video clearly shows the Indian in question refused to move his bag from a seat when people on the train were left standing, despite being asked. People who do that are as bad as the racists.



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Isn’t a coffee machine effectively a roaster .