Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Yeah I was aware. All grand lads

Serious Angela’s ashes vibe off that tale :smiley:

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It was my own grandmother who told me it


They’re all sound out.

Fuck Munster.

And now sure you’d be paying €12 for a beef shin starter and only getting a slice of it :smiley:

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Sounds fair rough, mother of two.

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I found this link when googling , looks like he was being funded by some sort of crowd sourcing finance company

An awful sad story. Hopefully friends and family can find the strength to remember the couple

Estonian crowd funding :grinning:

Opposition to examinership of firm behind Limerick housing scheme

Smell of boom off it.

Imagine being an Estonian and ending up investing in a council housing estate in fucking Pallas :grinning: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Eddie Hobbs wouldn’t have thought of that one


Have they ever thought of investing in holiday homes in Bulgaria. Ringmoylan is nice but pallas isn’t walking distance from the pier

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Drug dealers more like.

Sweep, sweep…

Limerick mental health week kicking off tomorrow

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Come on down pal. We’ll get you into a workshop, get you the help you need.

I remember meeting a few people in late 90s, early 00s around Limerick who had worked in Russia and always wondered what they were at over there. Just found this the other day randomly.

Is limerick city absolutely dead at night mid week? I was around Tuesday night and there wasn’t a person about. Must be fairly tough on pubs if this continues throughout the winter.

That’s funny,
I’m always passing through the city centre in the evenings dropping the kids to and from basketball and other activities, town has been buzzing every night since the students came back

Tuesday would never have been a busy night for publicans

Well I was about around 11ish or so. Tuesday was always a busy night back in my college days but I think that’s changed now.