Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

Sheā€™s super woke but Iā€™d guess thereā€™s no harm in that of itself. She clearly does attract a lot of abuse for whatever reason, which isnā€™t right. Thereā€™s an echo chamber of these Limerick wokesters who spend all their time furiously agreeing with each other about whatever the latest outrage is but never actually doing anything meaningful. They regularly launch these cancelling attacks on different groups themselves.
Twitter should just be banned really. It brings out the worst in people


Caherline. Say no more.

In reality councillors have little to no power at all these days outside of the odd story in the limerick Post/Leader. You could make an argument to disband the setup altogether.

Donā€™t think they achieve a whole lot now and they never really have. Planning is all a lot more centralised these days and if you look at the one off housing piece - its becoming apparent, whatever way the councillors vote on that wonā€™t matter.

Back bencher TDā€™s surely have the capacity to deal with footpaths and pallets etc,

It should be the other way around.
The councillors should be dealing with the shit the TDs are getting paid a 100k a year for.

Reasonably fairpoint @TreatyStones however The TDā€™s would be totally useless then. Outside of their respective front benches.

Iā€™ve nothing against the councillors but its becoming clear theyā€™ve very little power or say now on anything.

Itā€™s basically TFK in reverse, where anti wokesters spend all their time furiously agreeing with each other? :man_shrugging:

Have less TDs so.
90% of the time TDā€™s are just ā€œgivingā€ people what they are entitled to anyways.

Sure nobody agrees with anyone about anything on here

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Yes they do, you cunt!

Some lovely singing


They donā€™t.

I hope they all get anal cancer

Oddly specific

Part of their culture is to despise anal cancer

Lovely singing Christy

I feel like I could get covid just watching that


The UL wolves leading the way for Ireland Inc

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Another bad crash this evening on that stretch of road from Charleville to Rourkes Cross, two men killed - young lad on a motorbike and the driver of a car. RIP.

An accident black spot. Been so many fatalities and accidents there over the last 15/20 years and beyond.