Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

I was sitting outside Superbites years ago waiting for a taxi

Traveller: Give me a smoke

Me: I don’t have any smokes

Traveller disappears and comes back with a horse whip, ah I miss Newcastlewest


Too many Flannery’s

I don’t think they even showed the best wan

No such thing.

What happened next?

Giddy up.

He went and found some smokes for the traveller

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He swung it a few times and done a runner

Had a getaway car waiting for him on the other side of the bridge, the travellers think of everything

Craziest spot I ever ventured too :smile:

Heaven, hell and purgatory levels aahhhh those were the days!

NCW is actually gone fairly quiet nowadays (pre Covid I’m talking about). Nowhere near the same level so of hassle. Actually a grand spot to go out in with a lot of renovated bars taken over in recent years

Kilcornan was some spot for scrapping in post Coolios times, the drunken masses from all over the county waiting for a spark to set it off hanging around for buses.


The Coach was a tinderbox because everyone was on neutral ground.
Only bad row I was in there was when we ended up fighting a load of Caseys who had come out from town. I didn’t know who they were at the time.

It was fairly chaotic, them firing bottles out of the car window as they sped off and saying they were coming back with shotguns.


Wouldnt be unusual to have a scrap out front, bottles flowerpots the tables flying. Cars knocking down fellas looking for lifts and someone riding in the carpark around the side.

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Niall has to go

Niall has one heck of a record collection.

It won’t help him when he’s gone

Found this interesting from a number of angles. Mainly I think due to the fact the house that lady came from is pretty near my own. A first cousin of hers would have been a big Hollywood star, J Carroll Naish.