Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

My grandarentā€™s home was dominated by that chimney. Gardens, sitting room, kitchen, two bedrooms; that chimney loomed through all.

Hope it remains a while yet.

I thought some thread from 2012 had been bumped there.

By the time this ā€œworld-class waterfrontā€ theyā€™ve been banging on about for the bones of decade comes to fruition thereā€™ll either be no water or no front.

Very interesting archive interview with Mick Mackey on 95fm right now,
Just ended actually but worth listening back if possible

Throw up a link if there is one uploaded. When was it recorded?

The waterfront will have advanced five miles in all directions more like.

(H)On the waterfront

I listened to that one this morning, the one about the Lincoln jail escapade also, interesting but ultimately disappointing that miss Nash didnā€™t end up back in Limerick for the Soviet, I assumed that was where it was going, did you?

The story of the Soviet is a fascinating one by itself, the Robert Byrne incident was another big propaganda coup for the rebels but how important was the Soviet itself in the context of the war @Thomas_Brady or anybody else, I never had it down as a major influence on the course of action


Ya it was a very tenuous tie in, but I suppose a decent way to explain the international dynamic at the time.

It was also interesting to see how quickly the landed gentry could fall in class . Iā€™m sure @Thomas_Brady would have been very familiar with the Naish family from his studies.

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I listened to the that one today too, I listened to the two most recent ones. I thought the info on the Soviet was a bit light but I think the point of it is the way he illustrates a broader historical episode through the story of one person, itā€™s just amazing how he does it. I suppose the point of the episode was not the significance of the Soviet, but of developing and demonstrating the mood and state of the country at the time.


It was also interesting how there happened to be a load of international journalists at time, which put the events on a global scale.

Yeah. Great coincidence. It was also so topical too, at the time there was probably a real fear or chance that the same revolution could happen across Europe.

I not a fan of the production/narrator ā€¦ But he puts s lot of work into it. Iā€™d love to have the time to do something like it myself but to do it justice youā€™d have to put in serious research and effort.

@TreatyStones yeah I touched on the Naish / Nash family during my research. Donā€™t think they were huge landowners / rich but had enough to be regarded among the ranks of the gentry.

@backinatracksuit I donā€™t think the Soviet had any effect really. Iā€™m not even sure it was hugely republican ā€¦ Limerick always had a strong labour/unions background ā€¦


With a few exceptions Irish Republicans were devout Catholics so wouldnā€™t have had much gra for socialism. I think the Limerick Soviet only lasted a few weeks.

It was the result of a cross over in the leadership of the unions and the republicans. The union HQs in Dublin provided little support to Limerick, so lost the initiative in taking control of the path of the war.

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Lads, would ye ever leave that poor councilor alone.

(Insert jokes below)


What did they do with the place?

There used to be another one there not too far from the art college in along Clare street which was class and way better than the one in the crescent.

What was that called again, playworld? Funworld? or something like that.

Havenā€™t a breeze. Itā€™s close to 25 years since I was there. Think a carpet world took its place