Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Is Stenson seen as.thomondgate? Thought you’d to cross the road for Thomondgate/killeely? Thought stenson was part of of Farranshone?

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The only entrance is through Thomondgate. I was making it easy for the country lads.

You can turn right off Farranshone into it?

Right and right again

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You can, but who in their right mind would want to go that way?

Dodgy enough sending off unfortunately.

That’s the way most would head when walking into town, school in JFK/Ard Scoil (unless over shelbourne park wall)!

Local knowledge, fair play…

Hon Tom


Fucking hell, thats the good news story we were waiting for!

Don’t mind that auld rogue he’s been inside in the market every weekend for the last 6 months

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Actually reading that article tom himself says he was never out of action

You are my sunshine…

It would take more than a deadly pandemic to kill Tom off.

He’s only human mate.

Tom is starting to look his age in recent months, a bit shook even.

He’s a good old character, a very well known busker despite being barely able to play his instrument, some achievement :clap:

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Hes a gas man. He stopped mid-tune one day after I’d drop some coin to him and asked me “what’s the definition of nothing?”

“I dunno”

“A bucket without a bottom and no sides.”

And back on to the accordion he went. Legend.


I saw him for the first time in ages about 6 months ago and I thought he looked very shook. He’s looked much better again the last few weeks.

I want to talk about Bruff. Was it the pre-eminent town in the eastern half of the county in times gone by? How did Kilmallock come to supersede it?
The main Garda hub for south Limerick is in Bruff. Even the main ‘R’ road that criss-crosses the county from Newcastle West to Kilmallock is called “the Bruff Line”.

Only knowledgable replies s’il vous plait.

Not sure if Bruff ever superseded Killmallock, but I reckon the railway line stopping off in killmallock would have improved their lot.