Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

The DUP will be all over that.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

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Justice for Hammy

I’m waiting over a year for a refund from Swiss air. I’ll fire them off another reminder.

“I’m fit to snap. I spent four hours and 37 minutes holding on the phone last night listening to crap music,” he told the Sunday World.”


Keep flying the flag Hammy

“I never used them before it just came up on my Facebook and it was a Dublin number I rang. I paid them €1,936 all in one go.”

Jesus… could have booked it himself, Ryanair flights and accommodation probably for half that. Trusting Facebook ads…

It was an ad for a company that was placed on Facebook. Isnt that what advertising is about? - i havent been on facebook in years but are you suggesting that all ads placed there are a scam?

Well, he should have checked the reviews before handing out €2k on a holiday. And yes there are ads on FB that are clearly scams. Instagram too.

The reviews must have been ok if they had taken 7m from people in total? I’m not sure the reviews would have mentioned anything about Covid 19 when he booked the holiday.

If the holiday went ahead he would probably have missed a Limerick National league match. Fuck him.

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You’re taking sides against the Hammy Defence League?

I’m just calling it out, that’s all.

Surely the biggest question here is why was he looking at Tenerife at all when surely he had free reign of Sandy Lane?

The man’s a hero to the try-hard OLSC.

A bit of light hearted fun — the GAA landscape isnt all printers and coaches up in the stands abusing rival managers.


Or making a jackass of yourself for the bones of a week over a few frees in a league game

Not sure who that’s aimed at but you should at least have the balls to tag them.


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