Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

French police also discovered that ivory and rhino horn were being turned into powder, flakes, and on French soil before being exported to Vietnam and China where they are used in traditional medicine.

I mean would they even know if it was Rhino horn?

That Save the Poddle Twitter account could do with some high quality TFK trolls to roll in on the Leddin saga. Whoever it is , is all guns blazing

Professional woman.

I was recommended a recent Blindboy podcast about Kentucky/Pat Graces/Chicken hut and listened this morning.
Is anybody or everybody familiar with the story which goes that Limerick was the only place in the world serving the colonels secret recipe? Good story anyway, the Podcast features the line ‘now fuck off back to Cork’ if that persuades anybody to give it a go.


It was good. I don’t listen to him unless recommend.

2 things I will call bollocks on are from the story with dappy, I never heard that one for a start. BB stated there was no KFC in limerick 2010ish. The KFC is I the crescent since the expansion and there was one out in childers Road at that time. 2nd of all what night club bouncer will risk his job to fight a minor celebrity hired to do an appearance over opinion on fried chicken.

I can’t comment on your historical timeline, I’d say neither was open late at night though, but I can see a lad getting riled up by the dissing of Limerick

I can see that but being held back from attacking a performer is a bit much. As I said it was a new story to me too. He also said there was no KFC in cork, maybe just some in Dublin or Belfast which is bollocks I’ve seen them all over the country

He’s right about Cork anyway, the first KFC in Cork was in Little Island and only opened about 15 years ago, still none in the city is there?
Hillbillies and John Grace before that had it cornered

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I can’t think of any on the northside but herself said there definitely was KFC in cork at that time

I’m gonna say she’s mistaken, there was John Graces and then Hillbillies, KFC in Little island and then in Douglas
But I could be mistaken myself obviously

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KFC on childers Road opened when I was in college circa 2007 I’d say.

Whelans in NCW looking well

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That an outdoor area? Looks well. Lovely print of Klopp on the wall

It would explain a lot if true because KFC is fucking rank and its always mystified me that it became a global phenomenon. I haven’t heard the pod I presume he mentiond that he ripped the idea off a fella on YouTube from about 6 months ago.

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How did that work?

I listened to a podcast recently on the rise of KFC, Limerick wasn’t mentioned.

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I’m not sure. It was an outdoor area before but not to the same standard as that.

I don’t know what they put the recipe on but it isn’t chicken. The last time I had KFC the meat like substance was grayish looking and the consistency was all wrong. Horrific stuff. The chips were awful and it cost a fortune for what it was

Looks like an 80s gay bar

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