Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Are Hermitage Green and Munster rugby the only two things from Limerick that the TFK Limerick posse dislike? Seems so

As staunch Cookies and Parish men we hate Munster and those UL Boh cunts.

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We hate Hermitage Green because of the munster rugby connection so really it’s the one thing

Yes that’s what I figured. Iv never heard of any of their songs but seen them singing covers in the curragower years ago and they are talented musicians

Does bohs even have Limerick players anymore?

I have no strong opinion on them really. I like their current song whatever it’s called about the Kerosene light. But that’s a cover. They are a really good quality cover band basically, who have had success beyond all levels of where their quality alone would have gotten them, because of the Munster thing.
And sure fair focks to them. Had a profile and used it.

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Any update on Leddin? The twitter mob weren’t strong enough to cance him?

Can’t think of any recently . In my time I remember Peter Hanrahan & Bobby Ryan

It is a matter for the electorate of Limerick to judge him . Not a social media woke flash mob

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Brian, the eldest brother to two of the band, part owns that

Their Da Da and pally. Their family would have owned Eve’s leather shop on roches street for a long long time.until.the recession. He’d have been a big bohs head.

Their Ma grew up around the corner from my great-grandmothers on roxboro road. There’s a story of their Ma when she was only a little girl, she went to the butcher’s with her mother.

Times were tough so things like a shin bone would often be boiled up for stocks and what nutrition could be got The mother apparently was embarrassed going into the butcher unable to afford meat in this purchase and only asking for a bone. To hide the embarrassment, she asked for a shin bone for the dog. To which the now mammy Murphy but a kid at the time piped up in front of the butcher “are we getting a dog mammy?”


Yeah I was aware. All grand lads

Serious Angela’s ashes vibe off that tale :smiley:

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It was my own grandmother who told me it


They’re all sound out.

Fuck Munster.

And now sure you’d be paying €12 for a beef shin starter and only getting a slice of it :smiley:

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Sounds fair rough, mother of two.

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I found this link when googling , looks like he was being funded by some sort of crowd sourcing finance company

An awful sad story. Hopefully friends and family can find the strength to remember the couple

Estonian crowd funding :grinning:

Opposition to examinership of firm behind Limerick housing scheme