Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

How else would you find it?


the granary

ah jaysus…

Ah Jaysus, indeed.

Didn’t know it was due to be flattened.

they’ll probably put up some glass monstrosity with office space nobody will ever use.

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What’s going in there? Some building to never be filled? Costa coffee? Another eurosaver? Another Boots? A Heatons?

Apartments. Needed really to get people living in the City and it’s a fantastic location

looks like they’re putting a 14 story office building on Rutland Street… awesome… fuck sake

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Probably another phone shop going in there.

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Never went to Docs much* back in the day but still sad to hear.

*But when I did

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Meh. Trinity rooms was a kip, full of cunts.

Its a bit far away from the phone shop quarter on willum street

I remember when I went to the opening night…

It used to be the internet cafe quarter. Until some poor misfortune got molested in the jacks of one place.

Docs was the third nightclub I ever went to in Limerick city, after the Voodoo Rooms and Baker Place (my first night out in college in 99). It was the spot to go to first and second year of college back then. My auld lad was outside one night, and me coming out of there at 2am (he worked late and I lived at home for 1st year, so some nights early days he drove me home before I found floors to crash on). He saw me walking out the door with some wan, so he drove off and gave an auld circle around the block before collecting me about 10 minutes later.


Pound a drink Monday night in the voodoo rooms



That was quick…


That was the one. Did wreck in there after a work summer party.

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Time enough mate :rofl:

I was in there the night of my 18th, the lads filled a pint glass with every shot from behind the bar on the pound a drink night, I slammed as much as i could back of it.

I ended up coming down the stairs on my back like a toboggan and haven’t really went after shots since because of it.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: we’d been drinking and karting out in Kilcornan before hitting town. It was some night for a young 16/17 year old roaster from Tipp.

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