Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

New karaoke bar on John Street aswell.

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I’d be interested in details as Im without dojo and am a black belt in karaoke

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One of those e-cigarette/vape places I heard

Is that garden centre still open in Crecora? Perhaps they just sell statues. Not Van Veens.

It’s not really a garden centre if it’s Stone Age you are thinking of? It’s more Stone work, statues, paving slabs etc

Is it open?
It’s on a cross roads isn’t it?

Ya on a crossroads, haven’t been there in a few years but I think it’s still open.

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He’s wild fuckin dear.


I bought a limestone slab from him for my fire place hearth. He wasn’t too bad for that.

I think he was talking about me.

Ah know I wasn’t going to vote for her as an independent :sleepy:. If rumours are to be believe as part of the deal to rejoin the SocDems bought her a new IPhone 13 pro max with a 12mp camera. Mad zoom on it

Did she leave? I must have missed that excitement

June last year

She’s a different constituency to Brian Leddin, right?

He’s a TD she’s a Councillor.
If she was nominated as a GE candidate then they’d be in the same (City) constituency I think.

The Twitter drama would be off the scale :popcorn:


Are the Soc Dems the ultimate wokesters or would Ruth Coppinger’s crew be even more hardline?

The Soc Dems seem to be upper middle class champagne woksters and pretend socialists. They’ll like to tweet and virtue signal at the popular causes of the day

Coppingers crowd would be more likely to overthrow the government in a bloody revolution and have us all working in collective farms.


That video from last year.

Coppinger was after losing her seat but she was protesting - as usual - over some issue. Anyway she was protesting outside some shop or building and making some recording when the irate shop owner appears and tries to clear her and her posse away.

Your man was pig ignorant - ‘you lost your seat, now get lost.’ :laughing:

@Copper_pipe might be kind enough to dig it out for me.

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