Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Eddie was charged and convicted of driving with excess alcohol, the fact he killed someone was never brought before the courts because strokes were pulled mate. Go back into your box now boy.

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Where is Eddie Halvey these days. Awful man for the sneachta as well back in the day.

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Careful now. The rubby set are well connected

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They’re circling the biscuit as we speak.



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Is this the daily fight you’re picking? Weaponising a young fellas death. Catch yourself on

Like flies around cowshit

The amount of one armed waiters in Limerick is onbelievable… Whole threads of anti Cork propeganda and a link to a current newspaper article and the sulkies are circling


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You were looking for it were you not or why else were you poking? Don’t like it back at all so you don’t


Looking for you to pull out a decade old article about a young boys tragic death by a drunk driver who happened to play rugby?

I made a sincere wish that no harm would come to Thomas bradys family by a speeding driver is all :man_shrugging:

OK so

3 posts on the bounce by @gilgamboa in the thread there, I don’t think there’s any surer sign of a lad being badly rattled.

A well placed “like” can do serious damage to a fella, really rattles their cage.

Even better when they post it up. You know you’ve really, really got under their little Carkie skin.


Circled and all, excellent work pal.


Nothing shows your true colours more than a mention of thay incident and you moriah pals with his uncle and all.

What kind of attempt at bastardised pidgin Irish is this? I know Cork is the most British city outside of the UK, but ffs, come on…have some pride.

It’s ‘mar dhea’ :rollseyes:

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I thought he was referring to the Lord of the Rings.

Yikes the spelling and grammar lads are on. You know you’ve decisively ruined their day at this point

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@gilgamboa has them out circling his grammatical errors on the whiteboards