Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

They will get JP to get Suzie Dent in on a retainer

The boys here with their ā€œup the rebelsā€ and their ā€œPeoples Republicā€ guff and they anglicising the most basic of our native languageā€™s phrases.

You couldnā€™t make this shit up.

Iss oss curk ig may :rollseyes:

Eh, why are you making fun of the Irish language?

Am I?

Any time anyone spells out Irish in phonetics like that thatā€™s what it looks like alright.

Really, does it? Like @gilgamboa did with his moriah attempt that I was scolding him over, is it?

When youā€™re explaining youā€™re really fucking losing

Traffic is mad out there. Stay homeā€¦

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Or walk/cycle/use public transport.

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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:man_shrugging: I know, but sometimes you really have to ladybird it for the thick bastards

Par for the course in Limerick

A 9 year old tweet coming back to haunt this Limerick councillor. Sheā€™ll have to go.

She needs a lesson from other Limerick councillors on how to deep cleanse your social media profiles


Limerick politicians + the INTERNET = box office.


Paddy and his minions were busy this morning.

There must be a good market in Professional INTERNET Deep Cleaning at this stage. Maybe one for the business ideas thread.

Her daughter and mine are in the same class, actually at a birthday party right now,
Sheā€™s pleasant enough,Iā€™m sure she wouldnā€™t use language like that now, it was a long time ago when that type of shit was accepted, it was accepted here until about a year ago and itā€™s still there in the background,

I presume it wasnā€™t targeted at travellers, rather the other common meaning of that word.

But, itā€™s a little hole sheā€™s dug for herself

Boasting about killing anyone because of social status isnā€™t really on at any time. The husband sounds like a right cunt

The word undesirables belies what she is too. I donā€™t presume sheā€™s got anymore humble since going into politics

I donā€™t think she was talking about travellers either.

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I hope the husband works for himself because someone will surely try and cancel him

Her husband use to play in the metal band Roper years ago. I vaguely knew both of them and they seemed fine. I was very surprised by that tweet. Tbh, Iā€™d say thereā€™s a strong chance her political career is over. And deservedly so.