Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

My wife has you that term in the past and Iā€™ve called her out on (her father uses it a LOT, talking about other people in Garryowen). As @EstebanSexface says, I donā€™t think the councillor was referring specifically to travellers, but itā€™s a derogatory term used to ā€˜otherā€™ people that donā€™t fit your class, values, or whatever.

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Sheā€™s a fucking eejit and itā€™s clear who she was talking about and itā€™s clear what she really thinks whatever she says now.

She should either walk or be gotten rid of, but she wonā€™t.

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But did she get the likes she was looking for?

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In Limerick city it has little to do with travellersā€¦

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I knowā€¦

Tommy is a youth worker with disadvantaged communities. His word is final.

She has to go

Jesus thereā€™s a blast from the past.

When I was young I never really associated the term with an ethnic group, nor an economic group for that matter. It was a word associated with behaviour. Iā€™d say I was relatively old, probably in secondary school, when I realised that for other people it was a word reserved for the travellers. I remember being disappointed that the word was stolen from me.

Anyways, hopefully this lady makes it past quoting her husband for cheap internet likes using the word a decade ago.

To me the word refers to thieving law breaking scumbags irrespective of their social status or ethnicity


True, Sean Quinn is a knacker, as is Wayne Dundon

And you can tell just by driving passed them

Well, no. In my experience the term knacker was (mostly) applied to scumbag criminals. In any other context itā€™s wrong.

ā€¦for exampleā€¦

Someone took out the gate house in Glin Castle last night


frustrated the wire GIF


Jesus Christ.

To do that much damage, they must have made fair shit of their car.

The fog was wreckless last night, to be going at the speed required to do that, along that windy stretch of the road in the fog is insane. They could have as easily been in the river.

To hit it at the angle to do that damage, youā€™d presume that theyā€™d be coming from the Tarbert side which would mean they went right across the road?

It wouldnā€™t be easily done anyway whatever happened

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university memory GIF