Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

I find its normally the same people who virtue signal on social media for cheap likes are the most impacted in these cases.

Complete hypocrites.


Big online campaign recently to have King Johns Castle renamed Limerick castle.
Any thoughts on this, I like the name as it is, don’t really see the issue, but it’s the massively pro Limerick usual suspects whipping it up,

The John part is a modern invention/adaptation… it was always known as Limerick Castle, per sources.

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How was it always known as Limerick Castle if it is known as King Johns Castle?

Is King John getting cancelled?

John was added in the 20th century at some stage I’m almost certain. Maybe late 19th, but it’s a modern enough add on considering the castle is there since the early 1200s.

John never came next to near the gaff, the bollix.

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It’s a bit unusual now that I think of it for a castle to be named after one specific person (there are probably 400 other examples of this).

Has John done anything problematic that might get him cancelled? How did he feel about Trans people?

Let me check my notes, I’m sure I have something on it.

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So it wasn’t always known as Limerick Castle then?

Prior to the add on of King John it was Limerick Castle. After the add on of King John it was called king John’s castle. Hope that helps.

That’s a welcome clarification. What was it known as in the 14th century?

I’m gonna go with Limerick Castle. I’ll try confirm this for you.

Going forward I propose we call it - the castle formerly known as king John’s castle.

I’d imagine it was called something else entirely in either old English or Old Irish

The castle in Limerick would not have been called King Johns castle by the English - so records that the Phd lad is reading would refer to it as Limerick castle up to the paddies taking it back.
The castle was built before King Johns reign but there was a certain panic to show loyalty to him so locals called it after him. I think the one in Dungarvan is similarly titled?

Did king John sign off on the official opening?

So it would have been called King Johns Castle in the 13th century?

He was dead before it was actually finished I think. He might have signed off on planning.

He ordered one to be built. I doubt if he ever set foot in Limerick

He didn’t.