Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

They wonā€™t notice if the Gucci fella gives em a few winners.

Cc @gilgamboa


They love d oul monarchy below there. King John indeed

See above

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Attack attack

Thereā€™s four alone in Ireland named for King John that I can think of - Limerick, Kilmallock, Carlingford and Dungarvan. Probably others.

I wonder if the Big J would be willing to enter a naming rights agreement. Mr Binman Limerick Castle has a wonderful ring to it.

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Ours was built around the time of King John

Sharon Slater will be on drive time shortly campaigning for a switch to Limerick Castle

I think itā€™s a pile of pointless wank myself,

Was on the Niall Boylan show too. Love listening to that when in the car, the tripe that gets pedalled However, I digress.

The reason for the name change being sought is they think it will tie in better with tourism-focussed marketing campaigns. Puts Limerick on the tourist map they believe by saying ā€œLimerick Castleā€ much like ā€œBunratty Castleā€ only out the road.

ā€˜Limerickā€™ wasnā€™t a good enough marketing title for the hob knobs in the 80s/ 90s when they felt ā€˜King Johnā€™ would sell better. Now that Limerick has a knight in shining plastic over his head, weā€™re cool enough to market.

Yes @Esso_Oil , I said we.

Atlantic Edge Castle, in the Limerick Castle Quarter

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I did a group presentation on the history of King Johnā€™s Castle in one of my college modules. I was one of the freeloading group members so no clue on the origins of the name.

Thanks for your efforts I guess?


Think it was named after King John.


I posted it already. A few suits uncomfortable with the dockers and binman image of Limerick tried to rewrite history.

Rename it

King CONs Castle


Listen lads, cast it off, youā€™ll never feel better. Trust me.

Will Kings Island then follow suit?

If itā€™s renamed Limerick Island, then itā€™ll surely just be known as dā€™island in Limerick.
It has a familiar ring to it some how.

I have a lot of time for Liam Irwin, so Iā€™ve softened in my stance. Though I heard it was to be Sharon Slater on drive time

Finn Seanā€™s Castle