Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

The living with the lions dvd eventually made it to Limerick

Yes, they mentioned the lions … You’re coming across as desperate now.

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Twee behaviour.


Whats the story with these repairs? At face value they look absolutely shocking.

Jaysus you cant blame @Thomas_Brady for everything.
The coucil would be better off not repairing anything if every cunt with a camera is going around checking the work after.


Not Limerick-related but apparently some ‘artist’ more or less copied and pasted something from the US for a war memorial in Dundalk lately.

Fuck me :rofl:… That’s awful.

If you tried that on a private, listed house the conservation architects from the council would be all over you.

I wonder is there a reason for the colour? “Authentic materials of the time” or something.

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Will it not “weather in” in time?

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It will. In about, 300 years.


I’d love to see the figures put down for this… 3k for materials, 2k for labour. 10k for 17th century expert …

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Two Polacks did that I’d say and smoked the best part of 20 fags while doing it.

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Thats a lime mortar which is the correct material for use with stone. They could have done ii in a cement mortar. It would have blended in better colour wise but would be hugely detremental longterm.


Thomas the townie knows better :man_shrugging:

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Schooling the lads here

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What year did they move the thing to its current location?

He’ll be along now telling you all about his working on the sites in 'Merica

Early 90s.

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Have you lads got treatystones on mute? I said nothing except it looks shit.

Modest Mouse