Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

Only having a bit of craic pal. Itā€™s all good.

Iā€™ll craic youā€¦

you will in your bollix

A picture of the Conservation Officer showing the works to the junior minister

Oh look some auld cunt who thinks sheā€™s an expert on stone repair cause she watched a YouTube video once.

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I wouldnt mind yer one. Its the self appointed expert above in Mary I who trumpets stuff on twitter and he hasnt a clue. But of course he is a doctor of something so he must be right on everything.

ā‚¬47,263 apparently. True story

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Do you not?

Informative post. I think it will weather in also after a few months. I think the work itself looks good. Itā€™s just the mortar. Could have added a bit of dye to it I suppose.

They could have brushed off the excess mortar that leached onto the stone and it wouldnt have looked as bad.

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Excuse Me Reaction GIF by Bounce

I believe heā€™s out of the country for a couple of months so you can get your remaining snags done in peace.

Jesus someone pick @Thomas_Brady up off the floor.

Whatā€™s the story with the Opera site? Apparently work has been stopped there?

One of the Polish lads might pick him up once theyā€™ve finished their cigarette break.

Someone in the council found out there wonā€™t be any opera in it.

The Rugby museum is flying up. JP should be running the city

Itā€™s only a year behind schedule, which is a serious achievement.
By the time lads finish laying the new paving on Oā€™Connell St itā€™ll be time to go back to the start and replace the ones they put down 3 years ago.

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I wouldnā€™t mind but it looks pretty shit

Iā€™ve no idea,I havenā€™t been in that part of town in yonks

He wasnā€™t talking about me ffs.

What is it with lads not being able to follow the audit trail?

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