Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Well whatever chance a lick of paint would do some good !

Awful isn’t it. Noticed that on my last trip through. How the fuck did it get built in the first place. It’s an eyesore. How hard is it to build some nice decent apartments?

They do this coloured render on the outside then that is meant to be spray treated with a fungicide every year but never is. Housing estates and apartments all over the country covered in algae and nothing done about it.

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Get out the Chloras. 1:1 with water and there’ll be no algae, moss etc. Can’t do anything about the scum though.

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I use moss buster or similar myself and a napsack

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You take your life into your own hands stepping onto a Junior Soccer Field in Limerick it seems. It’s all kicking off on the No Holds Barred page.

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Magnanimous enough of him to allow the bloke that did it to play with his daughters…


What’s the back story here?

Not sure tbh. Very little sympathy for yer man in the comments section anyway.

Geraldines are a tramp of a club.

Soccer is it?

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Toms new accordion makes a difference in fairness. Fucker was playing with a broken accordion all his life.

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That poor auld fella in London, it’s the equivalent of some randomer coming up and stabbing Tom to death in the middle of the day.

A bad bastard. Tom was in great form. He looks to be back to full health, was shook looking for a while

FYI everyone it’s all uphill from NCW to Barnagh on the Greenway.

Deadly buzz hauling 2 big smallies in a trailer.


Incredible scenes. We actually passed each other 30 minutes ago.



Was it you that stopped to try and fix the wife’s bike when it jacked on the way up the final climb??

No, we passed around the long tunnel while ye were on the way to the hub.

We also previously passed ye in the car as ye were going up the hill and commented how that looked like seriously tough going.


All I can remember is the lad with the Tipp jersey and hurl coming out of the tunnel.

But I was running on fumes at that stage.

I’ve driven that road a good bit and would often think it’d be some cunt of a climb on a bike.

Not thinking I’d end up doing today carrying an additional 60kg.


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