Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

I’d call them valve caps

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They keep out the dust.
They are dust caps…

They’re dust caps

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I wouldn’t call them dust caps,times must be tough if lads are stealing them.

I’d call them valve caps but I think the correct title is valve dust caps so you are all correct. Well done everybody :+1:

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Must be, but I suppose there could be a ripple effect.
Somebody robs mine, I rob somebody else’s and so on…

Pain in the hole driving across town to get them.

Are they required for the NCT?
They used say that dirt in the valve could feck up the tube/valve.
I suppose it could…

The correct name is “the yokes that go on the bit that sticks out of the tyre”


Every time you have to pump the tyres. Ahhhh fuck it, I’m after losing the twisty yoke


You’d be sick when you lose them on your bike

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I’d love to know how the fuckers just disappear, they take a bit of twisting.

Yeah a bike without twisty things was neglected

It’s a conspiracy, the bastarding things should be orange or yellow or something so you might have some hope of finding them if you drop them. But big tyre don’t want you to find them


I’d say fellas with a touch of OCD would be robbing them when they lose their own. My own man replaces them on a service. A meticulous man

Tell me that you are married without telling me that you are married.

You must have a few spares so?

By the Kilmallock Road roundabout

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What class of a gobshite?

He made some shit of himself. He must have been going a fair pelt.

This class


Ken and Brian won’t be happy.


the flood waters must of being the reason :laughing: