Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

I only read the headline :see_no_evil:

I thought they were going to provide some student accomodation but I got that all wrong.

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We’ll put the hurling museum on that site eventually.


Hardly big enough.

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Exhibit A. All the broken Cark hurleys and collar bones as a result of Mulcahy.

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Exhibit B. A glass phial containing Shane Stapleton’s tears.

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Exhibit C - Mechanical Clappy Sheedy


A book of Gearoid’s red cards

Kinnerk’s glasses will get a podium of their own.



Bullied by a young fella

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Is it Christmas already?

I saw a young wan walking up the road in the her Christmas jumper earlier and I guessed it was that time of the year again.

The fucking Moose like :joy:

Oh to be young again

It’s about time these establishments started tapping into the lucrative gang tourism market

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Rag Week?

Has the early market license I think

It does, used to live across the road. Savage jealousy driving past on the way to work

I thought they closed the RTE studio in Limerick that time