Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Attempted out in Shannon 2 weeks ago, those involved based in Mungret.

They’re on about a ‘successful’ abduction, missing person and the lot

Was there talk of a child lured into a house? Different case I think

I didn’t get all the details, to be honest I was trying to calm them down, I knew there’s no verified abductions as it would be a huge news story, interested to see where it’s from and what it’s about

They’d get a grand welcome in that place across from the side of Gerry Powers too. It’s gone through a few different names. The Market Bar over the door the last I saw.


Yeah that’s it

Myself and @Phil_Leotardo had a great night in there for auld chocco mouse’s stag

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Do they deliberately sequence the lights badly on Henry Street? It’s infuriating

Some spot. A cathedral for sure…


What links Gerry Powers pub and Ryan Tubridy?

I see Limerick aren’t going to have a turning on of the lights this year. At a time when retail in the city is dying this seems like a particularly stupid move. Always got a big crowd into the city.

The argument is that it costs €100k but could they not just do it fucking cheaper if that’s the problem FFS.

A few speakers for sound and some no mark celeb to turn on the lights. Some cunt dressed as Santa and a CD with a few Christmas songs.

Surely get it done for less that €10k

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If they got a few of the hurlers involved they’d make a profit surely

A profit? :roll_eyes:

They’re on now anyway. Was wondering if I missed something.

I don’t know. What links Gerry Power’s pub and Ryan Tubridy?

His great grand father owned Gerry Powers.

Would Ryan have a pint in Gerrys at 10:30 of a Monday morning?

Jaysus. I’d say they keep that quiet in Gerry’s. A stain on the establishment.

The perfect time. Regulars only. No rift raft

The Mrs was telling me that the other evening. I couldn’t believe it. The local chamber of commerce up here or something do a two day festival for the turning on of the lights called Frostival. It pisses rain every year but loads of people turn up. And this is a small town in comparison to Limerick.

The square had loads of food stalls and stalls selling candles and all kinds of shite. All paying money to be there and offsetting the overall costs. We went in for it Friday night and they’d a serious street parade for it. I’ll fire up a few photos from online but they’re probably not doing it justice.

Video here