Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

What year was that on?

If only Charleville had a golf tournament.

Dead pedestrians don’t quite grab the attention.


I was in the car when they teased this before the 9 o clock news about a huge announcement for the Gaelic Grounds. I thought the Beatles were reforming such was the build up only for a tonne of one/two hit wonders to be wheeled out. How many of these is Spike a fan of I wonder🤣

You’ll literally be able to say you wouldn’t cross the road to see it

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@Mark_Renton check in buddy

Limerick farmers treated with ‘disdain’ over Adare Bypass construction - Limerick Live (

This is a beauty:

“The way they’re treating us now is similar to what Cromwell did in the 1650s, giving people the opportunity to go to hell or to Connacht. I’m not going to hell or to Connacht and I’m going to stay put,” he added.

Mad bastard Heffernan there in the comments

Now we know what happened her.
Ok, not funny….

Usefully has ‘convicted criminal’ in his Twitter bio. Just in case you confuse him with someone of the same name

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Nothing a cheque from JP won’t sort out.Speaking of which Tom Ryan is at it again,he must need another new tractor.

If any of you limerick guys feel unsafe tonight give Ryan a shout he just escorted me home.

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Are the lads in Drom rioting as well? Fire brigade at the church

Tommy was onto something

There’s a reason that story has made the local news…

You can chawke it down there is a good reason.

Go on

5 years in jail.

RTE news : Woman jailed for drunk driving incident that hurt garda

Seems very much at the higher end considering there’s Drink Drivers who’ve killed people that didn’t get that long.

And i mean that in sense the other drivers got off too lightly, not that the judge has been too harsh on her.

It’s not overly harsh but there was a fella last week who killed two people over a 12 month period and only got 18 months for it

Different cases.

That lad in Dublin was totally brain dead and negligent in his cases. At least he stopped and remained at the scene after he realised the error (I’m putting it incredibly lightly) of his ways. Although, I agree that he should have got a harsher sentence.

This woman was shitfaced, got behind the wheel and knocked the poor bastard down. Realised she had knocked him down but continued to drive home anyway, and left him to die in a ditch for all she knew.